Friday, February 11, 2011

Clap OFF...

What's scary about this guy Clapper saying that the MUSLIM brotherhood is a SECULAR organization is not jus that he's an idiot (which we already knew) but also that he's the top security official in the U.S. and in that role he's one of the top advisors to the president. He's got to go..

On that note.....Leon Panetta the top intelligence official and another top advisor to the president told congress yesterday that Mubarak was stepping down. Where did he get this info? CNN I think..... That jackass has to go...

Continuing the theme.... Obama is pressuring Mubarak to step down because the people have spoken......

1. Where was he when the Iranian people were speaking?

2. How does he think this is going to turn out when the only organized opposition party in the country is a radical muslim faction that hates us?

Obama has to go....


Donkeyhue said...

Scary incompetence

Donkeyhue said...

If Obama is about "the people have spoken" why didnt he step down after he Glenn Beck rally?

gary said...

Because Beck represents a small , nutty minority.

Getlive said...

Do you even watch Beck or do you just get your info from the sources like the Huffington Post? He doesn't represent a minority. Did you see how many people were at the rally? Obviously not. As far as them being nutty, can you give me any example of how they are nutty?

gary said...

I have watched Beck and clearly he's a nut (or he just plays one on TV).