Friday, February 11, 2011

March Like An Egyptian

Im still not exactly clear on the protesters demands, and Im even less clear on Obama's position, but from what I gather he is of the mind that if we get half a million feet on the street he will resign.

Then why were the Tea Party racist terrorists and the Egyptian thugs that beat down journalists and lynch the opposition in the public square are freedom fighters?

Mob RULEZ!!!


anita said...

so you support (as america has for decades) a dictator, rather than an uprising for democracy.

only time will tell what this will result in, we don't know whether the muslim brotherhood is going to espouse democracy or not. we certainly hope so. and if not, they will (hopefully) be kicked to the curb.

many tea partiers ARE racists. there is evidence to support that.

we as a nation underwent a violent uprising that resulted in our own freedoms. but you don't want that for other countries?

Rhino-itall said...

Yes I would support a dictator if the 2nd option is another Iran.

Once again Anita where was your moral outrage when Obama backed the mullah's in Iran? Why didn't he call for the Iranian president to step down?

And what about his support for Chavez and Castro? You have nothing to say about the commies who are not only hostile to us but in our actual hemisphere but you're up in arms about a dictator half way around the world in a region where we need all the friends we can get?

I will assume by your statement that you don't know anything about the muslim brotherhood but hope is not gonna help. This is a violent fundamentalist organization. See Hamas,Hezbollah, Iran, etc. for examples.

Snap out of it.

Donkeyhue said...

Anita, you disgust me.

anita said...

Only time will tell, which was my only point.

It may end up badly. But then again there are millions around the world who want the freedom we espouse to have.

We've given much of it away. Thanks to Republican and Democratic leaders alike, as well as sheeple who believed in them. But I am all for is those who want it and will fight for it.

If you don't understand that, then Aurorans, you disgust me.

Donkeyhue said...

And my point is that liberals, such as your disgusting self, who defend the MB as " hopefully peaceful", but denigrate peaceful Americans as terrorists are disgraceful.

I cant help but think is another example of liberal anti-semitism.

anita said...

just a small sample of your people: you call the preacher who brought his flock to protest at elizabeth edwards funeral "peaceful" and "loving" and "hopeful" ...

just one example of rightwing nutjobbery. the list goes on and on and on and on ...

you're trying to find reasons to defend the tea party nutters, but you can't. and want to "belong" but you can't because deep down inside you are a rational person. but you can't allow yourself to agree with anything the moderate wing of your party has to espouse because you've kicked them all out.

face it donkeyhue, you have no where to go. you're moderate wing has been thrown out, the right wing nuts are in control and you wouldn't even consider calling yourself a moderate democrat.

you are lost. politically, that is. there is no place for a non-nut job like you.

rhino's got a place because he's not smart enough to not drink the kool aid. but i think you are smart enough to not drink the kool aid, yet you can't acknowledge it.

you've been outed donkeyjuice.

Donkeyhue said...

If only libs treated terrorists like they do the Tea Party the world would be a safer place.

Rhino-itall said...

Really Anita? Come on you can do better than that.

I will ask again and you try again.

No moral outrage over Obama when he didn't defend the popular Iranian uprising?

No problem with his support for dictators like Chavez and castro?

samw said...

Do you all remember world history class? Look back at the social and politcal climates that lead to Lennin, Hitler, Castro becoming powerful.
Remember that educated, rational people willingly followed mad men into some of the worst human tragedies of the modern day. Why? How?
2 very important time tested methods of success: propoganda and social unrest.

The Germans did not follow Hitler intending to become mass murderers. They were convinced they were doing something for the good of Germany and the world.

Now look at Egypt and the players at hand. Do you hear a familiar rhetoric? Do you see anything similar?

If the methods are not new, and the theories are not new, How can the the outcome be new?

Rhino-itall said...

Another thing to think about after we're done calling tea partiers nazi's is IF the Egyptian people somehow create a democracy, what would it look like?

According to Doug Schoen and Gallup, in a poll conducted last year about 90% of the Egyptian people think the U.S. is the leading cause of strife in the world.
So what are the odds that these people will elect leaders who are pro U.S.? I didn't hear any poll results on how they feel about Israel but it's a pretty good bet that the Jews didn't do better than America.

Obama is calling himself the gipper? I don't think so. Stick to peanut farming Barack...oh that's not you?

gary said...

The Right seems hopelessly confused about the Egyptian situation. I think that we should support democracy in Egypt. If they elect the "wrong" people we will have to deal with it.

Getlive said...

I say we just let Egypt figure it out. I agree with Gary. If the wrong people take control we deal with it. We can't be everywhere in this world. We need to take care of this country first. We have some major issues to deal with and if we can't even figure out what to do with illegal immigrants, healthcare, social security, trade deficits and the spending spree going on, how can we be worried about Egypt? It's like the person who takes in 20 stray cats, 12 stray dogs, a rescued thourobread, and polar bear who was driven out because of global warming, who can't even feed or take care of them. Then the animal rights folks lock them up for cruelty.

Donkeyhue said...

Well, Im glad that the left have once again come around to acknowledge that Bush was right and they were wrong. In this case, the democratization of the middle east. But as Rhino pointed out, where were they during the Iranian uprising? Or how bout when millions risked life and limb in Iraq and Afghanistan to vote in the actual democratic process?

What we saw in Egypt was mob rule and a military coup. I dont really care either way, since if Egypt steps out of line Israel will wipe the floor with them again.

What concerns me is the astounding hypocrisy of the left and the disgraceful way in which they are willing to give terrorists the benifit of the doubt all the while accusing grandmothers in pantsuits at a Tea Party rally of being violent thugs.

Rhino-itall said...

Getlive...the problem with your approach is WE WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT.

So is it better to deal with it now? Or should we wait until we need to invade it like Iraq or until we can't risk it because they got nukes like Iran or n.Korea?

We're talking about one of the biggest countries in a very volatile region of the world that WAS a reliable partner. Now? Who knows?

Getlive said...

That's bullshit. Mubo was our partner all the while dictating and robbing the country blind. Why, just because he wouldn't start any shit with Israel? I do not support partners who are dictators. Let them figure it out and if they become a threat to the US, then we take measures to protect us. Mubo is no different than Saddam. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend and if we keep letting dictators use the US like Mubo did, we will never gain any partners in that region.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes he was a dictator and yes we suppoted him.

Same situation we had with the shah of Iran. And when there was an Islamic crazy uprising there Carter did not support our ally and now we have a batshit crazy psycho who is about to have a nuke.

Who's kid are we sending to die in Iran to stop him? And if you think it won't come that then tell me how it ends? You think Israel and Saudi Arabia are going to allow this nut job to run roughshod over the region? And when our closest allies in the region go to war then what? And when war breaks out in the region and oil goes to 300 per barrel then what? And when the Islamic brotherhood starts stealing egypts money and funding terrorists to blow up NYC then what? And when they partner wit Iran and of course take over Jordan then what? And when the Muslims in Turkey get uppity because of the victory in Egypt and decide they want sharia law..then what?

If Egypt was in a vacuum I would be right there with you bro, but Egypt is just a domino and if it falls the wrong way and the Muslim brotherhood takes over it's trouble for us on a whole new level.

gary said...

I agree with Rhino that if the Muslim Brotherhood takes over it's trouble. From what I've read the MB has support of about 15% of the population in Egypt so their taking over is hardly a sure thing.

Rhino-itall said...

Gary whether or not they have popular support doesn't matter. Iran was a totally pro western country and the population still mostly is but the most ruthless, best financed, and most organized groups are usually the ones who win in these situations.

Thats my point.

Maybe things will turn out great in Egypt but if that happens it will be the first time probably EVER in that region. My point with regard to Obama is to not repeat the mistakes of the Carter administration. Unfortunately he has already begun to do that.

Obviously this is a country that has tremendous strategic advantages for us and if we lose it to the muslim brotherhood or really to ANY anti western group or individual it will hurt us.

Lynn Alexander said...

I can chime in on this, but I'm curious about the references I see in each comment thread about the tea party, i.e. "but tea party members are terrorists". Is that from an old argument here?

It's like a recurring thing, no matter what the topic is.

Donkeyhue said...

Nope, its from a current argument, in fact its the premise of this post. If it has surfaced before its because the left are consistent in their intolerance of opposing viewpoints, and I am equally consistent calling them out.

There is something wrong when Napalitano calls the tea party thugs and Clapper calls the mb secularists and I dont think its inadvertent.

I dont like when my President, the Mainstream Media, and a major political party attack American citizens for no other reason than they disagree with them, yet pay lip service to being about the "will of the people" when it comes to those with obvious anti-American sentiment.

There was more violence over 18 days in Egypt than have occured the past two years at Tea Parties, but if you wouldnt know it from the comparable news coverage.
The attempted Times Square bombing was immediately blamed on opponents of Obamacare.

Tuscon was blamed on Sarah Palin.

So if I sound like a broken record, forgive me, but I think its important.

Getlive said...

It's quite pathetic how the left just makes things up. There hasn't been one iota of violence in regards to the tea party. Not one. Yet we hear it all the time. Classic textbook propaganda tactics. If you say it over and over again then we just might believe it. Well, not us but the sheeple who follow the left and believe everything they make up.