Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I Got Your Consensus Right Here!

As we already know from the climategate emails of East Anglia university, man made global warming is a hoax, a ruse if you will backed up by shoddy "science" and ridiculous alarmist predictions about drowning polar bears and melting glaciers.

Some people may still be unconvinced of course and that's fine with me because I believe in freedom of religion. However it infringes on my rights when you scheme to take my liberty for your religion. So lets get back to the science. There is no concensus among serious scientists on man made global warming and in fact the slight warming that we have experienced recently has actually had a very positive effect on the planet.

The eighteen climate alarmists (as we refer to them, not derogatorily, but simply because they view themselves as “sounding the alarm” about so many things climatic) state that the people of the world “need to prepare for massive flooding from the extreme storms of the sort being experienced with increasing frequency,” as well as the “direct health impacts from heat waves” and “climate-sensitive infectious diseases,” among a number of other devastating phenomena. And they say that “no research results have produced any evidence that challenges the overall scientific understanding of what is happening to our planet’s climate,” which is understood to mean their view of what is happening to Earth’s climate.

To these statements, however, we take great exception. It is the eighteen climate alarmists who appear to be unaware of “what is happening to our planet’s climate,” as well as the vast amount of research that has produced that knowledge.
For example, a lengthy review of their claims and others that climate alarmists frequently make



Donkeyhue said...

There has never been a scientific counter argument to those that disagree with the theory of man made global argument. Its either the argument is over so talk to the hand or you hate polar bears. The same exact argument make for everything.

Where did all the intellectually honest liberals go? The left has been overrun by maniacs.

gary said...

Is it within the realm of possibility that these 18 scientists, and the few others on their side of the debate, are right and the consensus is wrong. And as I've said dozens of times, consensus does not mean unanimity, although recent studies show that the consensus among climate scientists is now at about 97%, and virtually ALL of the world's most scientific organizations. But sure, the small minority conceivably could be right. But WHY exactly are you so sure they are right?

Donkeyhue said...

Because they are the only ones arguing the science. It takes more than a white coat and a govt grant to impress me.

gary said...

Oh, I see with your vast scientific background you are able to ascertain that the 3% are unquestionably right and the 97% are wrong. Oh, but you're not a scientist so you just KNOW because, well ... all I have is the consensus and all those scientific bodies and all you have is sheer wingnut belief.

Donkeyhue said...

Case in point, not an argument based on the "science" just more attacks.

Heres what we do know for certain, claims by the alarmists have been repeatedly proven to be wrong or flat out lies.

You dont need a vast scientific background to not believe liars, its called common sense..

Rhino-itall said...

1. The 18 are the "alarmists" who wrote the letter not the "deniers" as you call them.

2. The "alarmists" have not only been proved to be wrong but were also caught up in a major scandal that they pretend was just a big misunderstanding.

4. Part of that scandal was an absolute admission that they were blocking dissenting opinion from peer review journals.

5. The letter references 2 very big very extensive studies and THOUSANDS of peer reviewed papers that were used to complete these studies

6. Donkey's point is absolutely correct. The sea levels aren't swamping the lowlands, the glaciers aren't melting at any crazy rate, we haven't seen ANY Katrina like hurricaines since Katrina, etc. etc. These jokers have been wrong at every turn.

Finally, if this is such an emergency and the earth is coming to an end then why isn't the U.N. putting pressure on China and Russia? Could it be because those countries won't give in and pay up? Could it be because those countries won't willingly transfer their wealth to other nations for a compeletely unproven theory? These jokers come after us because we have the money and we have a history of being suckers.

anita said...

i googled one name on that list ... scott armstrong. and he's a professor of marketing at the university of pennsylvania. wonder what will happen if i keep going.


anita said...

"How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax' "

Lynn Alexander said...

If you keep going you will also see that many "scientists" are funded by organizations backed by energy interests.

Thing is, if the alarmists are wrong and we have taken steps toward renewable energy, is that really a bad outcome? Peak oil is real and saudi wealth is real. So there are some other reasons to change.

But if you are right, and nothing changes, the consequences could be disastrous.

I don't think change has to be this huge showdown. BUT that said we should be working on ways to solve problems realistically. Bumper stickers just make more garbage.

One thing that chaps my ass is that we talk about wicked China but we blow our paychecks buying their crap.

We won't be able to tell them anything, regardless of how we feel about the issue of climate change. They have no motivation to listen to us.

I think it is time to talk about how debt and excessive spending makes/keeps us impotent.

Whether it is real or not, what can we do about it if we are spending ourselves into the stone age?

Let's send the offending nations some roses and ask politely that they cut the shit.

Rhino-itall said...

Anita feel free to google whomever you would like. I'm sure there is a reason why he was a contributor to the letter.

Lynn, normally we don't respond to the "funded by Exxon" bullshit but since you're new here I will tell you my feeling on this.

EVERYONE has something to gain from someone with regard to the AGW bullshit and the amount of money and prestige that is thrown around by governments in favor of this crap in the form of grants and the like DWARFS anything that the energy companies pay out.

With specific regard to China or Russia my point very simply was that if this was truly the end of the world then the pressure would most certainly be on them more than us or at least there would be SOME amount of pressure on them by the U.N. And while we're at it, if AGW was real and these "scientists" really believed it would they be chartering a hundred private jets to Cancun to discuss it? Would algore have a fleet of limo's and use enough electricity in his home to power a small city?

Maybe..... but I doubt it.

Lynn Alexander said...

Yes they would, because they would rationalize it the way people always rationalize this stuff. I can do it but you can't.

No doubt Al Gore would say he is doing more good than harm, "I'm using my electricity for noble things".

It's no different than driving a gas guzzler with a "think green" bumper sticker. You are right that people don't feel alarmed enough to change their ways.

But I don't think that is an argument about the science but rather one about opportunism and hypocrisy.

My position is that the consumer has the power to change things, more than anyone. We want hybrids, they will build them.

And so on.

To say that we would be pressuring Russia and China assumes that the UN has the clout to do that and they don't.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes the consumer can change things by choice but that's not the plan.
If you believe that your actions are affecting the climate and you want to make up for it by driving a little ugly car that runs on grass that's ok by me but don't tell me I have to drive it too.

AGW is a hoax like Scientology. U and Tom cruise can give your money to whatever church u want but I'm not a believer.

gary said...

You're just wrong.