Wednesday, December 01, 2010

He's a Big C C*nt

Some consider the cosmic debris of Halley's Comet to be the rarest of phenomenon. There is another even rarer.

So, on this day I reach back to the hallowed antiquity to bring you a recreation of the second fall of the mighty Carthage. Herein known as, Rhino was right and Donkey was wrong. Unlike Halley's, you won't get two chances in your lifetime to witness this, so pay attention.

Joe Scarborough is not a conservative. Not even a little bit.

Its popular these days to bash Morning Joe from the right, especially after his non-serious hit piece on Sarah Palin, whose entire premise was that he's an insider privvy to information on the beltway cocktail party circuit, that us reglar folk just don't understand. His op-ed wasn't a policy debate, he just called her dumb and mean.

Standard liberal talking points.

Thing is though, Rhino called this guy out at least five years ago, and I would defend his bona fides. As a viewer of his old show Scarborough Country, I didn't like that he would routinely be thrashed in debate by his guests, sometimes including high schoolers, but he seemed conservative enough.

That he continually points out how conservative he is on his liberal morning talk show is much like Tracey Morgan's spoof on Star Jones incessantly insisting she was a lawyer or me declaring myself a true center if I were to play in a midget basketball league.

In closing, though I'm sure Joe's Palin hit earned him some back slaps on the upper west side, it has once again exposed him as an intellectual lightweight, liberal sychophant, and worse of all painfully reminded me that on this rarest of occurrences, I was wrong and Rhino was right.


gary said...

"Republicans have a problem. The most-talked-about figure in the GOP is a reality show star who cannot be elected."

Conservative or not I think he's right but we'll find out in 2012.

Rhino-itall said...

1. I told you so!

2. He's wrong.

3. Gary is wrong (shocker)

The left is always slow to catch on. They live in their own world and think the NY Times is still the place to get the news. They thought the tea party was "astro turf" and called them tea baggers then got their asses kicked. Sarah Palin has raised more money in a month than the entire DNC but Scarborough and gary don't think she can be elected.

We still have 2 years! I remember 2 years ago when Obama was elected and the left got a super majority in Congress.

Seems like just yesterday....oh wait..

gary said...

Well, I could be wrong. We'll find out in 2012 (if she runs). There might be enough nuts for her to win the nomination but I can't see her winning the general election. Maybe we can wager on it later.

Donkeyhue said...

If Obama can get elected with zero executive experience and zero legislative accomplishments, then ANYONE can be President.

Whats going to be funny to watch is how right now Palin is the "bad" potential candidate while all the others are the "good ones", but you wait and see what happens if Palin isnt the nom, they will switch on the winner like a sumnabitch. Look how they turned on McCain when won the nom. The media loved him until he was running for President.

For fucks sakes, Kucinich believes in UFOs and he didnt get treated the way Palin has....

....for a reason, nobody fears Kucinich, but Palin scares the fuck out of the libs and the establishment rino gop.

And they should be afraid, very afraid cuz if/when she wins, it changes EVERYTHING.

gary said...

Palin's time as Governor is I suppose a match for Obama's time as Senator, and I'll match her time as Mayor with his time as community organizer. The difference is that he is obviously intelligent (he did teach constitutional law after all) and she is obviously not. That doesn't make him qualified but she isn't. Am I afraid of Palin? No, but only because I don't think she has a chance. If she were actually to be elected I would be scared to death.

Donkeyhue said...

Wrong. Its no match.

Obama voted present when he was in Illinois state senate

He did absolutely nothing as US Senator (besides campaigning)

She was a succesful Mayor, Newsweek hailed her as one of the great young Governors, she has run succesful businesses.

He has done nothing. Nothing.

Without a teleprompter hes half a retard.

But you say hes smart shes dumb with certainty but no proof.

Why wont he release his grades, or his billable hours for the brief time he was in private sector as atty (clue he was worst performer in firm and why he wasnt offered job)

...and you should be afraid. Cuz well be coming to get you.

gary said...

Even George W. Bush didn't lower the bar low enough for Sarah Palin to become President.

Donkeyhue said...

No he didnt, but Obama sure has. Hillary was right about him.

I notice you (libs) never argue the merits of her positions, you just call her names.

Id say you are about as qualified to offer political opinions on her as my 8yr nephew.

Ewwww Sarah Palin has cooties.

Fucking nubs.

gary said...

Well we wouldn't want name calling. Like calling the President "half a retard".

Donkeyhue said...

Im allowed to call him names, because I also argue against the merits of his positions and policies. Liberals do nothing but calls names.

And did I say half a retard? Im sorry - just an expression - I meant full tard.

Donkeyhue said...

Have you read Bush's book yet?

You might find it enlightening. I mean considering the policies you so fervently opposed the past ten years that you now embrace, figure youd want to know the rationale behind the decisions made that Obama has now copied.

anita said...

for all her anti-political correctness, i doubt that sarah would appreciate you calling anyone a "retard" or "half-retard" or even "full tard."

the palin-politially-correct term would be he's a "special needs president" ...

Rhino-itall said...

We don't really believe in political correctness at The Aurora. However it's good to see that you agree with us about our president being a tard.

anita said...

i don't think he's a "tard" ... i just think he is spineless. which is probably worse.

Rhino-itall said...

Well I don't think he's a tard either but I don't think he's smart.