Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Two L's Are For Double Loser

I see that Nicolle Wallace was on Morning Joe today bashing Palin -- again, and it got me to thinking of just how awful a performance she put forth debating Robert Gibbs during the campaign. Rhino and I were always perplexed how she was the one person able to make Gibbs look like he actually knew what he was talking about. Actually it goes further than that, he would absolutely embarass her, and that obviously resonates throughout a campaign.

As we all now know, Gibbs is an imbecile.

It turns out that shes bff with the Morning Joe crew (where most of the tete a tetes would occur) and has actually named a character in her novels after one of them. Apparently she writes about a ficticious President with a ficticious dog named Mika.

On that we can agree, that Mika is one hot bitch.

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