Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wikileaks... I read late last week that the feds (I think DHS) shut down websites that were selling fake Uggs.... they can't shut down a website that is sharing stolen state secrets?

On that same note I'm wondering where the lefties are that were freaking out about Valerie Plame's name being printed in the NY Times? Isn't this a little bit bigger?

The Obama administration is basically having Holder do some press conferences on it and DHS is doing.....?

Why are Jews so stupid? I understand black people constantly voting democrat because at least they're getting paid off in the form of welfare but the Jews keep voting for the party that wants Israel to just surrender! Note to John Kerry... there's no such thing as EAST JERUSALEM!

No major hurricanes have hit the U.S. for 5 years.... Nuff said.

Obama is going to freeze federal worker pay. Well that's something but why not just get rid of the federal workers who suck and give a raise to the ones who are doing a good job? Oops that's right we're talking about government........ good thing they're gonna run our health care.

Keynes was wrong. ----I can't pronounce or spell her name but this chick is smart and very pretty.

Don't look now but the NY Knicks are a .500 team! I know that shouldn't be a big deal but honestly it is. I might actually start going to games again.

I have been following this N. Korea situation and I agree that you can't blame Obama, but you can blame Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. During the Clinton administration Carter went to N.Korea (basically against the wishes of Clinton but he didn't have the balls to stop it) and declared that the N.Koreans could be trusted and that his organization (Carters) had inspected the N.Korean facilities and they didn't have a nuke program! He actually said that he believed he prevented a war!!!!! F-ing clown!


Donkeyhue said...

As the great western philospopher of the early 90's was wont to say..."things that make you go hmmm"

Donkeyhue said...

More importantly, I caught Elizabeth Banks checking out my package today. Didnt know who she was at the time, well besides some blonde checking out my junk that is. She was funny in Role Models.