An unrepentant Lynne Stewart who openly advocated violence against America during her trial...
"I'm talking about institutions being changed and that will not be changed without violence."
...gets convicted of providing material support to a terrorist organization intent on killing Americans and is sentenced to 28 months.
Jeffrey Skilling gets 24 years for insider trading.
So in other words, if I were to conspire to blow up your house with your entire family inside, I get a slap on the wrist...but if I were to rob it I spend decades behind bars???
That seems fair.
Pussiliency is Wrong
only because you live in a country that favors industry above people...
why are you surprised?
Unless of course the people are celebrities.
...who said I was surprised?
What about the Marines facing the death penalty...for doing their job. The Navy corpman who ponied up for Rummy gets off even though he was equally culpable of nothing at all?!? If you killed someone who is shotting at you here in America that is self defense. If you kill someone shooting at you while fighting a war on foreign soil you might get the death penalty? We live in a pretty messed up time.
That is about the stupidest analogy I've seen since I last heard Eric Hufschmit.
You told me. Not the Eric Hufschmit comparison, anything but that. Who the frick is Eric Hufschmit, oh thats right...I dont care.
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