I would like to address the recent manufactured media scandal created at the behest of the desperate Democratic Party regarding Harold Fords attendance at a Playboy Super Saturday Night Super Bowl Party and the commercial that highlighted the Christian congressmans alleged hypocrisy.
I have it on good authority (me being the authoritie) that indeed racism was rampant during SB XL weekend. Let me explain. I have known the Rhino for about seven eight years, weve worked together in various capacities for about half that time. The problem is hes a racist. You see when presented with two Super Bowl tickets last year who did he call...you guessed it, not the Donkey. What about me. It isn't fair. I've had enough. Now I want my share. Can't you see. I wanna live. But you just take more then you give. I have no cause for bitterness, as he didnt make the cut in '99 for the NBA Finals or the '00 World Series.
The only reason I can think of for this snub is because Im white, a honkey, a cracka, el blanco diablo. I doubt it had anything to do with the fact he invited some guy he has barely known since grade school whos wedding he was best man for or whos child he is godfather...had nothing to do with that, it was affirmative action at its worst. He invited this stranger of thirty plus years because he was black, and that shite aint kosher at The Aurora. Its gonna take more than bleach SeƱor Rhinoz to wash away the racist stains from your white sheets.
I have it on good authority (me being the authoritie) that indeed racism was rampant during SB XL weekend. Let me explain. I have known the Rhino for about seven eight years, weve worked together in various capacities for about half that time. The problem is hes a racist. You see when presented with two Super Bowl tickets last year who did he call...you guessed it, not the Donkey. What about me. It isn't fair. I've had enough. Now I want my share. Can't you see. I wanna live. But you just take more then you give. I have no cause for bitterness, as he didnt make the cut in '99 for the NBA Finals or the '00 World Series.
The only reason I can think of for this snub is because Im white, a honkey, a cracka, el blanco diablo. I doubt it had anything to do with the fact he invited some guy he has barely known since grade school whos wedding he was best man for or whos child he is godfather...had nothing to do with that, it was affirmative action at its worst. He invited this stranger of thirty plus years because he was black, and that shite aint kosher at The Aurora. Its gonna take more than bleach SeƱor Rhinoz to wash away the racist stains from your white sheets.
click here for big black tail action

I really wanted to endorse Ford after hearing his explanation as to whether he ever attended a Playboy Party, he responded “I like football and I like girls. I don’t have a… no apologies for that.” Im with you there buddy, but it seems this isnt the first time hes played the race card. Its disingenuous for some snot nosed Ivy League rich kid who would betray the honor of his very own family for political gain to now claim that the man is trying to hold him down. Afterall, if as he claims his grandmother was white....whats wrong with some bimbo bunny asking him to call her???
Is it that Democrats still think its taboo for a white woman to date a black man? They are a bunch of BIGOTS. Its an insult to everyone thats ever been involved in an inter-racial relationship for Dems to portray this as if it were a low down dirty shame. Once again proving my point that Liberal Democrats hate black people.
Just so that we're clear on this, the friend who i took to the superbowl is black, but he's also a face jock. So it wasn't affirmative action (which i don't believe in) but his ability to reel in the women that was the reason for selecting him. Now of course he is very happily married, so he was just basically the lure for me, and has been since our high school days.
If you are claiming that the true reason for the snub is your inability to pick up chicks and not racism then I retract the charges leveled against you.
my assertion is, that i picked the best possible wingman (happens to be black), rather than the worst (happens to be a donkey).
Race was not a factor.
For the confident Rino you appear to be, I'm shocked you're willing to admit you have issues with women...It's sad how you used your friend all these year to lure women... or is it your lame excuse? :/ if you had jessica alba, hally berry, scarlet johasen, or Shakira which would be your flavor of spice?
Well you are correct not to like me because Im dangerous. Thats right, Rhino. I am dangerous, and a horrible wingman, as the Donkey plays second fiddle to no man.
Anon, my only issue with women is that they have brains half the size of a mans brain. It's science... look it up!
It's a theory based on the fact that women are genetically smaller everywhere...how do you explain the size of a child's brain who has a higher IQ than a grown man.
I'm a man who built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.
Have you just stumbled upon our little abode Donsky??? Im never wrong.
How is the ad racist. He dates white women. Nothing wrong with that. Or are you saying there is?
The implication by the dems is that somehow inter-racial relations are a "dirty trick", something to ashamed of or looked down upon, and I for one find it reprehensible.
here's why you're wrong, and probably a racist, although i don't know you personally so i can't say for sure.
when i first heard about some controversy about this commercial, i didn't read the whole story, and the headline wasn't about racism, it was about the guy doing a commercial in a church and also hanging at a playboy party. I saw the commercial through a link on drudge and thought it was kind of tame. I didn't see it as a racial thing. It was only AFTER the dems, or harold ford himself cried racism that i knew there was a racism complaint.
Now the fact that you're saying it is a campaign tactic to profit from racism tells me that you share the views of the people who think everyone should stick to their own race.
It is obviously a campaign tactic to counter the "church" commercial that ford did.
You need to reevaluate where you stand on this one because you're giving the impression to me that you are a racist yourself.
Well, all I know is that Chris Matthews said "I think it is an example of how low politicians can get. And they must be desperate, and it‘s a credit it‘s a credit to Harold Ford Jr., win or lose, how close he came that the other side had to do this crap."
I think everyone knows what esteem I hold for the opinions of Chris.
Chris matthews is lucky that keith overbite exists so that he's not dead last in the ratings anymore!
So the Democrats and Chris Matthews are saying that a white woman winking at a black man is a low and dirty political trick? Thats the gist of it right? Thank God for liberal white people to tell us when there is racism a foot.
Now a low and dirty trick is wheeling out a cripple canadian midget to insinuate that Republicans dont want to cure Parkinsons.
The Ford commercial was tongue in cheek and rather funny I might add, it was a sarcastic satirical bit and very effective and THAT is why the Dems now cry foul. Come on, the hunter talking about how he has enough guns and the old guy looking forward to paying taxes when he dies...frickin hilarious stuff!!!
You guys have a nice site...funny, and good writing. Now if you could just come to terms with your collective mental illnesses.
Just to put things into perspective regarding Chris Matthews...he is now accusing the "WASPy" Kean for "getting ethnic" by accusing Menendez of corruption and mob ties aka the truth. God I hate liberals.
Dude thanks for the kind words but if you ever come in here spewing Matthews again Ill have to stab you to death with a plastic spoon.
Donsky you're using the "some of my best friends are black" rebuttal?
I said, i don't know you personally so i can't say for sure, BUT i don't see the racism in that ad, and YOU do. I see them pointing out the hypocrisy of a man doing a commercial from a church pew, and then going to a playboy party.
Then Im definately not racist because my drug dealer is black, my maid is Peruvian, my dry cleaner is Korean (as is my masseuse), my bartender is Irish, my hatter and accountant are Jewish, and the Rhino is a spic.
I never realized how cultural I actually am.
Im intercontinental when I eat french toast.
Very Funny Stuff!!
Keep it up.
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