Sunday, April 02, 2006

Parade Rain (aka Pussiliency Is Wrong)

There has been an effort lately at our friendly neighborhood liberal blogs to popularize (via the dreaded google bombing technique) a newly invented word. The word is Pussiliency. Its a great word, in fact one that I will gladly integrate into my dyslexicon. The only difference is I will use the correct version PUSILLANIMOUS that has already been in use for ages.

I hereby request that this effort be stopped immediately and that the proper spelling be applied to all blog posts regarding this topic. Typical commie behavior to take something that belongs to someone else screw it up and then take credit for sharing it with others.

Main Entry: pu·sil·lan·i·mous
Pronunciation: - 'la-n&-m&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin pusillanimis, from Latin pusillus very
small (diminutive of pusus boy) + animus spirit; perhaps akin to
Latin puer child -- more at PUERILE, ANIMATE
: lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
synonym see COWARDLY
- pu·sil·lan·i·mous·ly adverb

this post was brought to you by the dictionary reading donkey