RACEcar Is A Palindrome
Heres the funny thing about the Congresswoman McKinney situation. Its obviously all about race (poor lil victim) but ponder this if she was white and the guard was black would it still be about race? Of course...because EVERY GOD DAMN THING IN THIS FRICKIN COUNTRY IS ABOUT RACE. How about this... the jackass McKinney forgot to display her congress id pin, and when confronted with standard security procedure which is obviously beneath such a distinguished individual such as herself she resorts to violence. Let me guess... shes tough on crime and security but only when shes pandering to voters and not when it inconvienences her by 10 seconds to walk thru a metal detector. Reason #3782 why I hate people.
You're right, it is all about race. When I didn't make it on to American Idol, it was because I didn't sing like a colored person, but like a white American.
I read today, (please pardon as I can't find the link) That the guard in question knows her quite well.It seems he did not confuse her with a visitor. I admit that she is abit wacky at times. But I'm not getting that she was out of line here. Carrie: (colored person)? hehe what quaint terminology.
OK now I have seen this Carrie around, and I'm confused. Is this a shower shot or something? I wonder which lefty clown is parading around as the fake racist nude chick...hmmm.
anon, I think your right Carrie is a construct. but is it made up by a lefty or a righty? it did delete comments from it's fake blog.
sorry lily, actually no i'm not. i can't have my blog bitches crushing on a putz like that! he has hair for gods sake!
Bill Clinton? was he a good dresser? I don't get it?
Oh, I could tell you stories about Bill Clinton. I was just 15 and visiting the White House with my parents, but he is some good kisser.
Nice dresser, too.
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