Friday, January 20, 2012


Too bad nobody took me up on it.

I will bet any amount of money! Jan 2011

“After the largest tax hike in our history, the state continues to be in this precarious fiscal position with persistent payment delays, and frankly, the situation is unlikely to significantly improve in the near term,”

Crazy that I was able to predict this without a degree in economics (or any other kind of degree for that matter) or a Nobel Peace Prize.

Paul Krugman is a piker.


gary said...


Donkeyhue said...

Well we know Gary's entire belief system is a lie, but I wish Anita didnt delete her comments so that maybe she could come to the conclusion that hers is too.

But since we won the bet, Gary should read Cinderella or Snow White since its apparent he loves fairy tales.

Rhino-itall said...

Maybe that's why she deleted them..maybe she's waking up.

You never know and I like to be optimistic. Anita's an intelligent person and that means she can't be fooled forever.

Gary?... well ... good luck gary.

gary said...


Donkeyhue said...

I used to almost feel bad for Gary, now I actually do.

gary said...


Donkeyhue said...

Stealing my lines now? Cant say I blame you, you could learn a lot from me.