Monday, April 11, 2011

Hope And Change? More Like Four More Years Of W

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. ... Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem." Senator Obama 2006

Obama regrets vote against raising debt limit

I forget who it was, but some pundit said that the only way for Obama to get re-elected will be to run against his own policies. That makes sense, because he has governed against his own campaign.

Now I know why former Republican presidents never go out of their way after leaving office to try and justify their 'legacy'.... the Democrats do it for them.


gary said...

I am at this point not a huge fan of Obama. I wish he was about half the dangerous socialist radical Sean Hannity says he is. And as you have pointed out he has continued some of the worst policies of the Bush administration. Not as bad as Bush is not what I voted for. Still he will probably be re-elected and I will probably vote for him again, considering his likely opponents.

Donkeyhue said...

Youre a good sheep.

gary said...

Well, what would you suggest? Vote for Sarah fucking Palin?

Donkeyhue said...

I would suggest you grow some principles.

Rhino-itall said...

Personally I would vote for Palin if she was the nominee but she wouldn't be my first choice. Since Rubio seems sincere when he says he won't run my second choice at the moment would be Rick Santorum who probably will run.

gary said...

Have you considered that my disappointment with Obama and criticism of some of his policies come from my liberal principles? I would love to see Rick Santorum as the Republican candidate.

Donkeyhue said...

Liberal is to principles as jumbo is to shrimp.

Rhino-itall said...

I know why you're disappointed and frankly I don't care.

Santorum is a true conservative.

If the republican party runs a true conservative they win. If they don't they probably lose.

It's that simple.

gary said...

Like I said, I hope Santorum is the nominee.

Donkeyhue said...

And I hope Obama is the nominee, but I doubt he will be.