Thursday, April 07, 2011

Hey Beer Stud!

The Aurora stands by its assessment that FDR was the nation's worst president, but we would like to give credit where its due and laud his single greatest domestic achievement.

On March 21st, Roosevelt signed the Cullen-Harrison Act that became law seventy-eight years ago today, thus ending one of the darkest periods in American history.



gary said...

I must admit I had to google this act. While I was at it I found this:

"Reagan called him “one of history’s truly monumental figures,” “an American giant, a leader who shaped, inspired, and led our people through perilous times,” one who could “reach out to men and women of diverse races and backgrounds and inspire them with new hope and new confidence in war and peace.”

Although Reagan has been elevated to a mythical demi-god by the Right, nonetheless he was savagely criticized by many Conservatives of his time, and would almost be considered a liberal by the standards of the loony Right of today.

Donkeyhue said...

Reagan was just being nice to a cripple.

... and stop trying to claim Reagan. It makes you look even more retarded than you are, and thats no easy task.

gary said...

I give Nixon credit for the opening to China and detente, even though I don't think he was a good President. I give Reagan credit for negotiating with Gorbachev, and a few other things, even though I don't think he was a great President. Compared to today's conservatives he looks better, but that's because today's conservatives are a sorry and stupid lot.

Rhino-itall said...

funny how the libs used to call Reagan stupid and demean him all the they're trying to claim that Obama is "Reaganesque"

What a joke.

Reagan was a true conservative. The fact that he was also a good politician and a pragmatist who made deals where he had to in order to get things through a democrat congress means nothing. He never wavered on his principles and he is easily the greatest president since Lincoln.

gary said...

From Lincoln to Reagan to Bush. Evolution in reverse. I guess Palin or Michelle Bachman are next in the series.