Saturday, March 19, 2011

Those Who Can, Do, Those Who Can't, Teach

As a former constitutional law professor, surely Obama knows that only Congress can declare war.

They probably have the vote scheduled first thing next week.


gary said...

Yes, only Congress can declare war. Yet the last declared war was World War 2. I'm sure there will be some sort of Congressional resolution authorizing military force, as there was for Iraq.

Donkeyhue said...

I guess I just got used to the President seeking Congressional approval before ordering military action. I forgot there was a new guy in office.

What's with his rush to war? A rush to war that's only goal is nation building.

Shouldn't there be more hearings? Sanctions? UN Resolutions? Cant we just talk about it?

Oh I get it, Libya has oil.

gary said...

Well, Iraq had oil too. I think the main difference in your perceptions is that this guy is a Democrat. Reagan bombed Libya you know.

Donkeyhue said...

Wow, you can't really be this stupid? You don't even realize when I'm mocking you and your liberal principles lacking warmongering ilk, but I do appreciate your new found admiration of Reagan.

Hope and change!

anita said...

i happen to agree with you this time. gary is correct that it hasn't been since WWII that the u.s. has actually gone to congress to declare war. (but don't forget, we went to war against iraq based on a bold-faced lie from former president bush .... but i digress --- and you are once again correct, there was the oil).

i think this is completely over the top. and i think obama is being a coward by allowing hillary aka bill to talk him into this horrible and unjustified military action. they are crying, oh, if only we intervened in rwanda. as if this is even close to what happened in rwanda or even darfur. and you're right. neither rwanda nor darfur have oil.

obama didn't want to do it from the get go. but he caved to hillary aka bill.

not a WORD from the president about the unspeakable catastrophe in japan. not a word.

but bombs on libya. go get 'em.

BTW, I think GHADAFI should be done away with. i am not defending him. he's an awful man who committed (or ordered) the lockerbie bombing and then "negotiated" with the west to release the person who actually did it. he's a sickening man. we shouldn't be wasting our precious resources on a bombing crusade. why can't we just send in a sniper or take him out? are we so pitiful that we can't manage something like that?

gary said...

Reagan is looking better every year but only in comparison to today's conservatives. But then, come to think of it, Reagan was loudly criticized by the "conservatives" of his day. I don't have a problem with praising Reagan for the things he got right or criticizing Obama for the things he has wrong. I don't see the hypocrisy.

samw said...

I'm still shocked we have heard nothing from Obama about Japan. How about we owe Japan a boat load of money? What if they say they need it now? What is going to hit our economy harder? Japan in disaster or people in the middle east killing each other like they always have?
Speaking of that this is all the same movement From Egypt to Tunisia, Bahrain to Lybia and trying to raise it head is Saudi Arabia. Yet we just bomb Lybia? Why only address just a small piece of a bigger issue? Where are the roots of this?
Why is the president saying nothing? Is America not a major world player? Are these things not going to effect us? Because we do all of our own manufacturing and drill our own oil?