Monday, March 28, 2011

I Never Liked Puppies

"The Sentinel sent one reporter. Said reporter was immediately confined by a Biden advance-team member to a storage closet, given a bottle of water and kept inside by a Biden thug at the closet door." story


gary said...

Not being familiar with ClosetGate I googled it. Turns out it wasn't exactly a closet but a storage room with a window and that the reporter received an apology for being asked to wait there.

Donkeyhue said...

I liked it better before google when people like you were reserved to the fact you were stupid and didnt pretend to know things.

gary said...

The only thing stupid is thinking this incredibly stupid non-story is of any importance.

Rhino-itall said...

Clearly this is a story. Bidens people are smarter than he is and they don't want a reporter around him in any unguarded moments.

He's a fucking idiot. Please don't argue this point, it's incredibly obvious.

Mark Levin used to say he was the dumbest man in the senate. I don't know about that, there's a lot of idiots but he was right up there.

Donkeyhue said...

Nothing to see here Rhino, our on site investigative reporter went on a fact finding mission and discovered that the "storage closet" in the article is actually a "storage room with a window"

Only problem is, false imprisonment is a felony in most states, and "infringing on the freedom of the press" is a violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

But he got a glass of water and an apology, so all good.

However, there was a larger point to the article. As Obama was born, journalism died, both the cause of the other.

gary said...

False imprisonment? OMG - read the story the reporter wrote:

He was free to leave, although he would have lost his story. This is even more of a nonstory than ClimateGate which was also a nonstory. No one with a brain cares about this story.

Donkeyhue said...

Read the article in the original post, or stop wasting our time.

gary said...

I read the article in the original post. I also read the article by the actual reporter it happened to. I have already wasted too much time on this nonsense.

Donkeyhue said...

No you did not. If you did you wouldnt have pointed out that it was a storafe room or link the infringed upon press saying he was cool with it. Both of those points were made clear in the article.

The point of the article that you missed arguing storage closet measurements is that the press are so in the pocket of BHO that they ignore/tolerate his pattern and history of First Amendment abuses.

You are always so quick to blame Bush and defend Obama blindly, lets play a new game called "What if Bush did if, would my position be the same" So would it? Would this be a non-story? Didnt think so.

Or imagine if Cheney pulled this stunt, Chris Matthews' head would have exploded.

gary said...

Do you think Biden knew anything about this incident until after the fact? Perhaps you can demonstrate a history of First Amendment abuses.