Friday, February 18, 2011

James Inhofe Gets to the Crux of the Biscuit...

And he kicks some ass while he's at it.

INHOFE: When you ask that question “what if you’re wrong?” Stop and think about it. What if you are wrong and we pass the largest tax increase in the history of America to do something that is not justified. I remember, and I use this in testimony. In 1993, you weren’t around in 1993… the Clinton/Gore tax increase was the largest tax increase at that point in history. All marginal rates, gasoline, everything went up. That was a total of a $30 billion tax increase. This would be ten times that great. This would be somewhere between $300 and $400 billion tax increase. That admittedly, now listen to this very carefully, according to the director at the EPA would not have any effect on emissions because that would only be in the United States. As jobs went to places like India and China and Mexico and maybe places that they don’t have any emissions requirements and actually increase emissions. So should we do that when we know and you know and everyone out here knows that it would not reduce worldwide emissions? Period. We all know this.


Hey Mark Hertsgaard really brave of you to ambush a U.S. Senator....if this is such a big deal why don't you go ambush one of those Chinese politicians? .... No? I didn't think so bitch.


Donkeyhue said...

Hertsgaard got owned.

Waah waah wah Natl Academy of Science. He sounds like Gary..... stupid.

gary said...

As far as I am concerned, it's not "what if you're wrong", it's "you're wrong" period, at least according to 97% of the world's climatologists and every major scientific body on earth.

Donkeyhue said...


gary said...

Unlike you I don't think I'm smarter than the scientific community of the world. That's stupid.

Rhino-itall said...

gary you ignore the very important point that Senator Inhofe makes.

The EPA has admitted that even if we were to adopt these draconian laws and regulations it wouldn't change ANYTHING unless the rest of the world did it too.

so what reason would we have to devastate our economy?

what purpose would that serve other than a transfer of wealth?

gary said...

If you're wrong, and you are, then AGW is a deadly serious problem that will have high costs for this country, including economic costs. If you're wrong, and you are, then this nation and the world need to act.

Rhino-itall said...

gary do you have anita disease?

you know the denial and avoidance disorder where you don't actually answer the questions that are asked and you answer the questions that you want to ask?

Donkeyhue said...

As a rule of thumb, when someone tells me that there is a "deadly serious" problem and the solution can only solved at conference center in Cancun during spring break, I tend not to take them seriously and yes think (know) that I am smarter than them just as I would discount Pauly Shore, if he were to give a dissertation on the microeconomics of the Indian caste system and how it relates to the houku policy of China.

gary said...

Actually in your analogy I think you're Paly Shore disputing the world's scientific community.

Donkeyhue said...

If you had an original thought, it would be lonely.

Getlive said...

Wow don, you should be a poet. That's pretty good.

Getlive said...

I meant donk. Damn iPad correcting me. I hate that.