Friday, February 18, 2011

Democracy For All

The people of Wisconsin spoke at the voter booth and elected a republican governor and republican senate who campaigned on fiscal responsibility. They have the majority, they have the votes.
I find it to be disturbing that the democrat state senators are on the lam.

This is the democratic process. This is how it works. The people have spoken.

I'm sure all of the readers here at The Aurora who believe in democracy for all agree with me that the democrats in this situation are disenfranchising the voters. I'm also going to assume that we can all agree that President Obama is a hypocrite for supporting this anti democratic behavior.


Getlive said...

Absolutely. Seriously, they are on the run? Hiding from the issue? They are literally driving around illinois so they can't be found. Can anyone say fugitive? They should be docked for the time lost from them not showing up to work. Wait, that sounds like something unions would fight for. Pay for not showing up to work.

Donkeyhue said...

...and what happened to labelling the opposition as the "Party Of No".

Im loving this though, who but the Democrats can turn public opinion against teachers.

Liberalism aint dead yet, but its dying.

gary said...

I am overjoyed that the labor movement is showing signs of life. It was the labor movement that was responsible for week-ends off, minimum wage laws, child labor laws, and decent wages. Not to mention actually having a middle-class in this country.The labor movement was at its strongest during the 1950s, a time of prosperity when a working man could actually support a family.

anita said...

non-violent protest is a right.

the fact that some of the protesters are sinking to the level, in terms of their rhetoric, of the fringe right, is highly, highly unfortunate.

by saying that hitler abolished unions is in no way "anti-semetic." it's a fact. is it appropriate to bring that up in this context? i think not.

your constant "anti-semetic" charge, over and over again makes me believe you have no concept of what is going on in the world.

not all jews are zionists.

Donkeyhue said...

You can lie to yourself Anita, but you cant lie to us.

anita said...

where was the lie?

Getlive said...

I'm fine with the protests. That's what we do here in this country. What I'm not fine with is the politicians skipping town! They should be fired for not showing up to work, I know I would be. And as for the doctors handing out sick notes to the protesters, they should have their licenses revoked. There has to be a law against fabricating doctors notes for people who don't show up to work.