Saturday, February 19, 2011

It Was Funnier When Ace Ventura Talked Out Of His Ass


gary said...

While it is true that the first thing dictators seem to do is to attempt to destroy labor unions, it doesn't follow that everyone attempting to destroy unions is a dictator, and there is no excuse for Hitler comparisons ever.

Donkeyhue said...

Typical liberal anti-semitism. Weekends off came into play primarily because of Jewish immigrants. Not saying unions didnt play a role but to try and claim the labor movement "invented" weekends is absurd.

gary said...

Anti-semitism? Are you nuts?

Donkeyhue said...

Gary, it is fact that liberals do not like Jews and especially hate Israelis. But lemme guess, you have a Jewish friend right?

Donkeyhue said...

And before your vagina dries up in a hissy fit tizzy, I'm talking policy not emotion in much the same way libs claim to love the blacks but their policy not only never helps them, it inevitably always hurts them and where I'm from you only hurt the ones you hate.

gary said...

Criticism of Israeli policy is no more anti-semitic than criticism of American policy is anti-American, a fact that you seem unable to grasp.

Donkeyhue said...

Im not talking about Israeli policy, nor the criticism of said policy I am talking about how liberals will always side with the enemy of the jews. You do this because you are anti-semites, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not.

You also are anti-America, or you would be criticizing the disgraceful Wisconsin democrats that fled to Illinois. But you wont.

gary said...

You're right-- I will not criticize the democrats in Wisconsin. But that is not anti-American. I side with the unions and the democrats. But calling someone un-American for that is itself un-American.

Donkeyhue said...

Why not?

You called the Republicans obstructionists on these pages for voting against policies you didnt like.

They voted against policies you didnt like and you called them obstrcutionists.

You called them the party of no.

You called them other things.

They voted.

Democracy type stuff.

The Democrats are literally, emphasis, literally running away from the vote in Wisconsin. Running fucking away.

You dont have a problem with that?

Donkeyhue said...

Did I mention tthey are hiding? Hiding.

Children and criminals hide.

gary said...

I called them obstructionist, not un-American. I'm sure even you can see the difference. And I support the Democrats in Wisconsin.

Donkeyhue said...

Of course you do, youre a hyper-partisan hack with no principles.

And in Wisconsin, there is no difference, the dems are being both actual obstructionists and un-American. They should at least have the decency to vote "present", which is of course the new democrat party stepping stone to the White House.