Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

The left have been desperately trying to co-op the passion and the actual grass root activism of the Tea Party. The Coffee Party was a resounding unoriginal dud, but all is not lost.

Dems will now be known as the "fleebaggers", because they flee from their jobs, their responsibilities, and their civic duty, hence fleebaggers.

Get it?

Ha Ha!


Donkeyhue said...

Not sure who came up with term, think maybe Malkin.

Rhino-itall said...

fleebaggers.....i like it!

Wisconsin, Indiana, who's next?

Getlive said...

Ohio. I call them panzies.

gary said...

Why is the conservative sense of humor so non-funny?

Donkeyhue said...

Thats such a fleebagger thing to say.

Rhino-itall said...

I actually feel sorry for the fleebaggers like gary.
They just don't have a sense of humor when it comes to looking at themselves.

I can watch the daily show and laugh at myself and my compatriots. I can watch people who make fun of libs and laugh at that too. Fleebaggers can't laugh at themselves.

gary said...

I love humor at my expense but you must admit there is no conservative equivalent of the Daily Show. It's been tried but it just wasn't funny. And I don't think "fleebaggers" will catch on.

Rhino-itall said...

I will give you this, The daily show is truly one of a kind but that's about John Stewart not the politics. Fleebagger.