Thursday, December 16, 2010

Plus...He's not a U.S. Citizen

And therefore he's not entitled to protection under our constitution or the 1st amendment.

So the argument that Julian Assange was exercising his rights should be thrown out of court immediately. He wasn't in the U.S. when he published the documents and as far as I know Wikileaks isn't domiciled in the U.S.

Now you might say that if he doesn't get the protection of the constitution then he isn't subject to the laws either and therefore he can't be arrested for publishing these documents. I'm not a lawyer but I would have to agree with you. It makes sense to me..... However he did purposely try to do damage to our national security and therefore I think he should be considered an enemy combatant and a terrorist. Why not go get him and transport him to Gitmo until he can get a trial by military tribunal?

Problem solved. You're welcome.


samw said...

I dont undeerstand how if he was publishing his intention to do harm to th US to the whole world how his computers netwrk didnt suddenly get a virus or he didnt get hacked and the info wiped out.

gary said...

So far Assange has only been arrested on some phony charge of having sex without a condom. If he is actually guilty of something, and I'm not a laywer either, then indict him. So far it hasn't been made clear to me that he has damaged our national security, although he has embarassed the government. If wikileaks had been around prior to the Iraq war perhaps we could have been spared a war based on deception and lies, as former Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Sheldon put it. A war that has damaged our national security far more. Assange is the Daniel Ellsberg of our time.

Also of the thousands of documents released only about half were classified, or so I have read. Supposedly he got them from a Private First Class. How secret could they have been if a private had access to them?

It is no suprise that many on the Right wish to abandon the rule of law, although not all as I read a good article in the American Conservative.

samw said...

I asked the same question about rank and access to top secret info. It seems strange to me having never served in the military and knowing little about the military ranking system that a private would be able to get his hands on important stuff.
I asked someone with military experience. I guess depending on your job skill sometimes rank is not as important as the job you can do. He gave the example of his sister who is enlisted but does some sort of job that required her whole family to be interviewed and screened by the government. She does not hold a high rank but whatever she does requires a high level of security clearance.
Still.....this stuff could not be prevented from coming out? We have no friends in Europe? Really? I'm really suprised that its unfolding this way. Something doesn't seem right about this.

Rhino-itall said...

I don't know either how or why this fuitcake had access but I do know that since he is a citizen he has been charged and arrested according to the law.

gary characterizes me as someone who would like to abandon the law but I am not. As I stated in my post I don't think Assange should be subject to our laws since he is not a citizen and he didn't commit his crime on U.S. soil.

However he did commit a crime against our nation. An act of war as far as I'm concerned and therefore I would just pick him up and hold him in GITMO. Give him a military trial and let the chips fall where they may.

Again, I'm not a lawyer so maybe foriegn nationals can be subject to our domestic laws which would mean that Ann Coulters advice would be perfect.

Also I would waterboard him just for kicks. I wouldn't even ask him any questions or anything.

Donkeyhue said...

You never cease to amaze me.

Its like you have no memory or no principles. It wasnt so long ago you were calling for the heads of Scooter Libby, Cheney, Bush etc for the Valerie Plame fiasco. One, none of them had anything with it. Two, top secret agents dont pose for Vanity Fair covers if they fearvfor their safety.

But yet now, a guy that runs a site called WikiLEAKS is a hero to the left because he hurts America. Its not about transparency, its about hurting America, and until he starts publishing taliban training manuals or alqaeda battle plans will be unconvinced of his sincerity.

I do agree though that the sex charges seem to be trumped up, and goes to show just how crazy the extreme left are. I for one happen to use sex by surprise as a power move aka the shocker.

samw said...
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Rhino-itall said...

Good point donkey. I do believe gary was up in arms about the plame affair and in that case there was no crime committed. But in this case there was an actual crime committed, actual secret agents are in danger, and actual state secrets were exposed.

Of course only half were classified documents so that means....I don't actually know where gary was going with that..but again he often doesn't have any point at all.

Donkeyhue said...

It amazes me how quick they flip flop on their principles. I want you remember all the accusations of how the gop were the party of no and obstructionists yadda yadda, wait til '11 when the dems are in minority and pull the same stunts. My guess is you wont here the same objections.

gary said...

For the last time Plame was a covert operative operating under non-official cover and revealing her identity was a crime. At least according to the US Government.

And if you don't think that Scooter Libby was covering for Dick Cheney then you are a fool. And I'm sure Cheney would have confessed if he had been water-boarded.

Rhino-itall said...

anyone else besides gary have anything to say?

anyone? Beuller? Beuller?