Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Crux Of The Biscuit

I would like to share a liberal reader's response to Rhino's recent post on the Net Neutrality farce. Im paraphrasing but just a little and can and will copy and paste.

Yeah conservatives better go on the defensive (donk note: I said offense) Obama is awesome. DADT repealed, START Treaty signed WOOP WOOP!!!

Two things.

DADT was a Democratic Policy

START Treaties have been signed by every President since 1991.

Yeah big historic wins.

There were gays in the military yesterday and there will be gays in the military tomorrow.

The Ruskies and The USA have nukes and have agreed not to use them on each other before and we have agreed not to use them on each other now.


Net Neutrality could very well destroy the single greatest technological advance known to mankind since the industrial revolution and liberals want to do a dance in the endzone against the Buffalo Bills.

Read Rhino's link and honestly tell us it passes the smell test, if you think it does then make a case why, dont distract from the issue. If you think they are doing whats right whats fair and what feels good for the polar bears.... well then super cereal, dont threaten to not come back....never come back to my blog if you think the FCC's actions are necessary and more importantly constitutionally legal.

This is something we should all be on the same page.

My apologies to Frank Zappa, I know that the apostrophe is the crux of the biscuit.

1 comment:

Rhino-itall said...

The apostrophe?

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark.