Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep.....

Net Neutrality....such and innocuous sounding title to this new regulation. It follows the pattern and strategy of many other marxist organizations, proposals, and initiatives such as..


And much like it's forefather, "campaign finance reform", it is actually part of a well organized and well financed plot to destroy capitalist America. Yes I know it sounds ridiculous but.....

He acknowledged that he is a socialist and said he was "hesitant to say I'm not a Marxist."


gary said...

gary said...

Rhino-itall said...

Unlike my friend Donkey I don't read your links. I used to, hoping that some day you would link to something productive but it always ended up being something idiotic.

Read the post and comment if you would like and maybe check out my link which is from an actual reputable source.

Donkeyhue said...

Interesting, I google "conservative net neutrality" and guess what two links popped up?

Are you even capable of thinking for yourself?

This isnt about what apps Apple choses to sell for thier proprietary product or the bandwidth of some local church's website.

This is about the vast left wing conspiracy (not theory but self admitted fact) intent on the forcible governmental seisure of all private property. This is about three non-elected Obama hacks on a five person committee with zero accountability to the American people deciding what is best for them. This is about deep pocketed liberal front groups with longstanding Obama ties, circumventing the legislative process and flagrantly ignoring federal court rulings to shove their marxist (once again, admitted) agenda down the throats of an unknowing public.

Liberalism and socialism has failed in every practical application, that is why they must throw up smoke screens with cutesy sounding acronyms and rule by unconstitutional fiat.

Its time for conservatives to go on offense.

anita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donkeyhue said...

Wise to delete that comment.

gary said...

I pointed out months ago that some years back there was a coalition of liberals and conservatives in favor of net neutrality. And, yes, I used the google to find two articles by conservatives. I do not think that internet providers should be able to fast-track websites for companies that pay and slow-track the rest of the internet, such as our blogs. I am against the "the forcible governmental seisure of all private property" and cannot think of one liberal who would be in favor of it.

Donkeyhue said...

Months ago? I remember discussing this at Blue Republic years ago and it was the one thing we all could agreed on. I thought you were on board.

So what happened to your principles???

Are are you so bitter in your old age you just wanna punish everyone for everything?

We live in a pay to play world, deal with it. Your argument of fairness wont get you in first class when your flying coach. You will get the curtain pulled on you.

Its a PRIVATE business, they can charge what they want to offer what products they want to or not. If you dont like it as a consumer you dont haveto use their product. The internet is not a constitutional right and the federal govt has no place giving itself power to fix a theoretical problem that doesnt exist.

Rhino-itall said...

gary can not think of one liberal who would be in favor of the government forcibly seizing all private property......reminds me of a quote that I heard after G.W.Bush won his second term...a prominent NY liberal (can't remember the name)said....I can't believe he won..I don't know ANYONE who voted for him...

gary said...

Name one then. And I mean a liberal, not a Marxist-Leninist.

gary said...

"I’m not crazy about the new Net Neutrality regulations, because they’re: 1) pretty weak sauce, and 2) full of loopholes that will let big ISPs get away with funny business, especially wireless providers.

But one thing they obviously are not is an attempt by the Obama administration or the FCC to “take over the Internet,” and only an idiot, an ideologue, or a liar would try to portray them as such."

Which category do you fall into? Of course they are not mutually exclusive.

Donkeyhue said...

Gary you dolt, they admitted it. They are on record stating that they want to take over the internet. This is step one in their plan. Its not my opinion or a grassy knoll conspiracy you thrive on. Either you didnt read the article, youre a blind sheep or just dont care.