Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mike Hawk Is Not Shy

I have answered my front door buck ass nekkid, learned carnal knowledge on Broadway smack dab in the middle of Times Square, and was sending dick pix to girlfriends when Favre was popping vicodins in Green Bay.

The point is, well besides that I'm not sane, is that regarding "my junk" there is no shame in my game. My motto has always been (even pre-Seinfeld) was when in doubt, whip it out.

However, my junk is my bidness, and despite being safely considered statistically in the upper middle class, it will never be misconstrued as a weapon of mass destruction, although there might be three (or four?) Florida State co-eds from a hot-tub in Key West from the year 2000, the year two thous-and, that might disagree with that assessment.

I would pull my dick out in the middle of JFK if I thought it would make flying the friendly skies friendlier. But I don't.

Every move that the TSA have made has been reactionary, which is fine if they were being proactively dillegent in other areas. The fact is that since 9/11 every attempted attack conducted in the air, has been perpetuated from a suspected terrorist on the no fly list. That their plots failed, is in spite of all the thrown away shampoo bottles and flip flops on conveyor belts, not as a result of these bobo security tactics.

Which brings me to Israel. Im sure if alqaeda had their druthers, they would be blowing an El-Al out of the sky every day of the week, but they wont because they cant. Why? Because profiling works, and the Israelis use it to the point the terrorists dont even really bother trying anymore. Four year old girls and seventy year old nuns dont blow up planes. Young moslem men from arabic countries do. Period.

So your crotch grabbing wont work against them, because they have no balls.

All joking aside, I dont trust the government enough to mail a letter in an efficient manner, so having a database of nudie pictures of every air traveller (or ass-grabbing those that opt out) is of grave concern to me. Its wrong, and they need to stop and get their shit together and focus on the actual bad guys.

...and that wasnt a threat, it was a promise. I will pull my dick out in the middle of JFK.


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