Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Buffet called into Squawk Box this morning to rail about the need for tax increases for the rich like himself. Joe Kernon, god bless his heart, called him out on his shenanigans by pointing out that Buffet pays himself a small salary, and such that considering that the vast majority of his current income is derived from dividends, would he be willing to support a tax increase on dividends as well. An obviously shaken Buffet answered no, not at this time.

Typical jackassocrat.


Rhino-itall said...

Big surprise.

I did a post on this very subject a little while ago.

Buffet is lucky that I wasn't on that show because I would have destroyed him.

My biggest argument is and will remain.. If he thinks the federal government should have more money then he should lead by example and pay more taxes! Nobody told him to hire accountants and lawyers to hide his money in tax shelters and to pay himself a small salary etc!

What a fucking clown!

Donkeyhue said...

Buffet is a douche.