Monday, September 27, 2010

Obama Dearest


... but more warrant-less wire taps are fine.

Another campaign promise broken, and another issue libs wouldnt shut up about during the Bush years that is soon to be met with a wall of silence from the left.

Fuckin' frauds.


gary said...

Wall of silence? Obama is being harshly criticized on the left. Do you look at any liberal sites?

Rhino-itall said...

liberal sites?

Sure we can look at them all day and so does the MSM. The difference is that when Bush was president the media REPORTED the criticism. Now? crickets...

just like the crickets we hear from the Obama on Mexico's fence. He's SUING ARIZONA!!!!!!!!! but not a peep about Mexico building a fence for the same reasons that Arizona is trying to enforce actual existing law!

Fucking hypocrite.

gary said...

The left is strongly criticizing Obama. As to the MSM, if they are not reporting the criticism then just maybe we don't control the media after all. For the record, I condemn the Obama administration's recent invocation of the state secret's privilege in court.