Saturday, November 04, 2006

When Fact Is Fiction And TV Reality

If this is the October surprise, Im confused. Lets recap. According to the New York slimes. Iraq never possessed or sought weapons of mass destruction, didn't attempt to obtain enriched uranium and they did not have an advanced nuclear program. Therefore in the slimes infinite wisdom Bush lied to justify the invasion of Iraq, yet Bush is now guilty of allowing Iran to gain access to Iraq's advanced nuclear schematics that according to the slimes they never had as a justification for an imaginary invasion of Iran? Huh?


gary said...

OK, let me clear this up for you. Saddam did pursue WMDs in the 80s and early 90s. We made him give them up. The sanctions were working and the inspectors found no evidence of WMDs. We now know he had none. The Bush administration either lied or deluded themselves as to WMDs. Either way it was only a pretext for the war, anyway. The Bush administration posted instructions for nuclear WMDs on the internet, where it could be downloaded by Iran or terrorists or anyone. Yet another example of their total incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Donkey, why is it that this is somehow the fault of the New York Times?

Let me guess, they caused Katrina too just so they could lie about it and look like great journalists, framing FEMA just to play out their craxy bias?

You know as much as you claim to hate bias- you exhibit much of the same circular logic you purport to criticize.

Point is, Iraq was not a threat to us. And we invaded them anyway. Bushco is ignoring other countries and their nuclear designs but yet invaded Iraq. Now I am not saying that we should go invade N Korea, I am saying that you are distorting the basis here. YOu are going to conclude that anyone who opposes any other war is a hypocrite because they bought into the lead up to Iraq.

Its apples and oranges.

You will say why did the Dems agree to stop Saddam, yet favor complacency on Iran. Then the Dems will say why did Bush want to invade Iraq for WNDs but not others who have them or want them... blah blah round and round it goes.No doubt Israel will come up, its the same shit, different day!

Point is, do other countries have the right to defend themselves, and do we have the right to stop their capability? Is that just cause for war or not? How do we decide, if they are Islamic- then we will assume that their goal will be to take down America or harbor those who want to?

The political differences are not about who lied, and who wants Halliburton to get rich. It has to do with a fundamental question of defense and the degree of American supremacy. Many conservatives would easily say "fuck everybody, kill who we need to kill- our lives are the priority". Whereas many on the left dont understand this perspective, and keep going on about just the oil.

Rhino-itall said...

Gary and Lily, WMD was not the only reason why we liberated the Iraqi people. The reasons are many, and we have gone over them many times here. However what everyone seems to forget is that that President laid it all out for us BEFORE we went in, and there was NO protest from the dems at the time! NONE! They are monday morning QB's, and using the war that they voted for, and the death of American soldiers for thier political gain. they are shameless and weak and that's why i fear for our country if the current crop of dems gets control of anything.

Many people say that after failing to find stockpiles of WMD, Bush "switched" rationales for the war. Consider this excerpt from a New York Times editorial about a speech Bush gave weeks before the coalition entered Iraq:

"President Bush sketched an expansive vision last night of what he expects to accomplish by a war in Iraq. Instead of focusing on eliminating weapons of mass destruction, or reducing the threat of terror to the United States, Mr. Bush talked about establishing a 'free and peaceful Iraq' that would serve as a 'dramatic and inspiring example' to the entire Arab and Muslim world, provide a stabilizing influence in the Middle East and even help end the Arab-Israeli conflict."

We are biased here, so is the ny slimes. where is the slimes admission that they are actively working for the DNC?

Rhino-itall said...

One more point.

We captured these documents in 2003. Now the ny slimes is saying that these documents could help our enemies develop their nuclear weapons. So according to the slimes, saddam had the info, and the know how to make a bomb, AND the weapons inspectors had already been kicked out, AND they were scheduled to leave for good in 2003 either way.

So now we know that saddam could have, and i'm sure would have restarted his wmd program with no supervision AND OR, if he wanted to he could have sold or given this info to an ally in order to cause us more problems.

More justification for war? I think so.

gary said...

I'm tired of arguing whether we should have gone into Iraq. What the hell should we do now?

Rhino-itall said...

lets just wait until wednesday. by then we'll have a ton of stuff to argue about. Hopefully something new.