Friday, September 08, 2006

Eliot Spitzer Hates Sick People

Hospitals? Hmm. I may not be gubernatorial material (not yet at least) but I could think of a few better places to make cuts. Stay tuned for my run in 2010 for details (Ill give you a hint it involves tree sniffing police dogs)

Earlier on Thursday, at a stop here, he said that the health care system would be a main target for spending cuts, in part because Medicaid is the largest single part of the budget. He said he would not only seek to close hospitals, building on the work of a state hospital closing commission that is expected to issue a final report in November, but he would also seek to overhaul the system that requires the state to reimburse hospitals for care given to uninsured patients.

“We’re going to take the tough medicine,” he said at a campaign stop in this Syracuse suburb, adding: “I’m saying to folks this isn’t all milk and honey. These are going to be tough decisions. Nobody likes to hear that a hospital is going to close, or a wing of a hospital, or beds are going to be shifted, but that is what we have to do.”


Miss Carnivorous said...

Me too, men with colds especially. men with colds suck ass. I think I'm dying, groan, moan, piss and sniffle. Now when men get their legs ripped off or are coatless in -80 degree weather, it's a different story, then it's "I don't feel cold, my leg got ripped off? Since when? I'm not feeling it, no sirreee!"

Anonymous said...

Cold? Whats that? Where Im from thats how you order your steak when you dont want to be called a pussy for eating it rare.