Thursday, July 13, 2006


“Patriotism is not chic in the circles of those who assume the role of citizens of theworld, whether they are discussing immigration or giving aid and comfort to the enemyin wartime.” —Thomas Sowell

“The real problem is that Guantanamo Bay, like Bush himself, has become a symbol of sorts. It is an easy scapegoat through which Europeans can vent their much larger love hate frustrations with their protector and rival,the hyperpowerAmerica.” —Victor Davis Hanson

“This isn’t about the privileges guaranteed by the First Amendment. It is about the agenda practiced by The Times and some other newspapers and media outlets that clearly want the administration to fail inIraq—and in everything else—so that Democrats will retake the reigns of government. The Times’ editorial board fears what one more Republican term could do to the left’s judicially imposed cultural realignment and wants to blunt the Bush administration’s counter offensive.” —Cal Thomas

“The U.S. Supreme Court has now blown a hole in the animating principle behind the Geneva Conventions by choosing to elevate an enemy that disdains the laws of war in order to facilitate the bombing of civilian targets and the beheading of individuals. The argument made by Justice John Paul Stevens is an Alice In Jihadland ruling that stands the Conventions on their head in order to give words the precise opposite of their plain meaning and intent.” —Mark Steyn

“The left regularly charges America’s conservative Christians with wanting to make America a ‘theocracy,’ being ‘fascists’ and/or being ‘antiSemites.’They are none of those things, and as a result, the battle against real theocrats (Muslim fundamentalists), real fascists and real antiSemites is compromised. The tragedy of all this is that when evils are defined down, good people are left verbally unarmed when the real evils present themselves.” —Dennis Prager

Reprinted without permission from Patriot Post


Warlike said...

Blind patriotism has been kept intact by rewriting history to provide people with moral consolation and a psychological basis for denial."
William H. Boyer

Mookie McFly said...

Edward R. Murrow:
"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."

I think it's time to take it easy on the lefty's as they are people too!

Rhino-itall said...

He loves his country best who strives to make it best. ~Robert G. Ingersoll

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him. ~Abraham Lincoln

Rhino-itall said...

fly, I think you should stop quoting communists if you want to make a point.

Mookie McFly said...

I think you need to work on your copying and pasting skills. I could barely get through the jibber jabber the way the words were all running together. I thought it was a midnight hour drunken Donkey post for a second...(i.e. "isan AliceInJihadlandruling" sounds like the name of some wacky bacwards creature from said Lewis Carroll novel, or possibly Through the Looking Glass the highly anticipated sequel).

But since you asked...

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home." -James Madison

James Madison wasn't a communist was he?

Mookie McFly said...

I thought this quote was especially pertinent to the fact that you cannot even copy and paste in an intelligent manner...not to be insulting dude but you are the first to harp on those who mistakenly question your pseudo genius (that you copied and pasted from someone else!) Anyway here goes:

"[T]he illiteracy level of our children are appalling."
George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., 23rd January, 2004

Rhino-itall said...

No he wasn't. But what does that quote have to do with it?

Mookie McFly said...

Well we're in a war abroad that people question as misguided and this quote speaks to that...and to the fact that Madison obviously questioned such encounters in a promotion of isolationism I suppose. His questioning of defense against foreign dangers would be cast aside by you as treacherous wimp talk...Don't question war, don't protest war because if you do then you are a (idiot)traitor. I don't think Madison was an idiot or a traitor.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes fly, you're a super genius because you proof read things that you copy and paste. obviously your only attack on me is a computer glitch because you are intellectually inferior. why don't you just say "you're ugly"?

and again what does the james madison quote have to do with you wanting to be a pussy and have a sing along with john kerry and jane fonda?

Anonymous said...

Immigrants and faggots
They make no sense to me
They come to our country
And think they'll do as they please


Rhino-itall said...

Fly, i think you're taking the quote out of context, but let me clarify my position.

dissent is fine, protest sucks but if you're American that is your right. Of course realize that you are encouraging the enemy of your country when you do it, so that means you are prolonging a war that you purport to be against.

Finally, rooting AGAINST your country makes you a intellectual traitor, actually helping your enemy by printing top secret information, or visiting said enemy during a time of war to pose on an anti aircraft gun, or going to paris to negotiate a surrender with said enemy without authorization from your government or to be a "human shield" etc. should be punishable by death.

So i support your right to be a pussy fly, but at the same time i reserve my right to call you one whenever i see fit.

In conclusion, you're a pussy, and most on the left today are at the very least intellectual traitors.

Anonymous said...

His questioning of defense against foreign dangers would be cast aside by you as treacherous wimp talk

Well yeah.

Quoting Madison on foreign policy is like quoting Rhino on hairstyles

Correct me if Im wrong but didnt he allow pro-Brit Canadian forces to march on Washington and set fire to the White House, not to mention the plunder of Detroit and the pillaging of Buffalo. Real bang up job

Mookie McFly said...

I can't explain much to someone who barely got a GED and hasn't had an original thought since...well, never (especially when it goes to the heart of the matter which you will never discuss as a weakling who hides behind other people's words). I don't copy and paste but I know how angry it makes you when it is pointed out that it is all you do...which is why I like to point it out...good luck with that (it's not going so well for you this time around, eh?). Anyway, I won't address your vanity issues with me as just yesterday, you were fantasizing about me naked eating a hot dog. You're a freaking froot loop (good luck with that too, man gym).

Mookie McFly said...

Oh no Rhino called me a pussy and he's the intellectual one. You are the lowest common denominator dude.

Donkey, James Madison should have fought off the British army himself, huh? What is he a Thundercat? Snarf, Snarf? I don't think so...let me ask you something. James Madison was a founding father, right? What have you two patriots done that makes you so important? Are you founding fathers? Veterans? Legislators? Or are you pretty much the same a the teet sucking liberals that you so like to deride? Okay, now with all Rhino's eloquence and go get 'em attitude, let's hear you hit me off with something real witty.

I'm a pussy. Blah Blah Blah...traitor Blah Blah Blah...oh and one more time for posterity - pussy Blah Blah Blah.

So much for your antiquated comment policy...I gues it only counts for outsiders...immigrants and faggots if you're a pussy Blah Blah Blah.

Go get 'em boys...the founding fathers would be proud of you.

Anonymous said...


Rhino-itall said...

fly, your original thoughts are what? You're a pussy and you think we should be nice to all the pussy's or pussies? (ged)

I like to copy and paste for 2 reasons,
1. i'm busy

2. as my friend has said about you already. Donkeyhue said...

anita said...

The advice nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions is, that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated. (James Madison)

Mookie McFly said...

Proving my point boys...just another example of how empty barrels make the most noise. I can't argue so I'll just call you a pussy.

And I am done with you for the lunch hour because your weak arguments bore me so I'll just call you lazy (I copy and past because I am busy? I'm sure that's the only reason, Rhinot-atall?)

I just think you guys jump to the traitor word too frequently. Here are a few examples I've seen here:

1.)Someone doesn't agree with you so they must be a traitor

2.)Someone argues with you and has a valid point that you refuse to hear so they must be a traitor & or a pussy (even though they support the same war you support but in a different way; I have seen you two knuckleheads call each other names before when you argue over the's stupid and a waste of time). Don't listen don't learn...simple as that. It's an open forum, remember?

3.) You don't know that much about the current subject and I ask a question that irks you so I must be a traitor.

4.)You work out at an exclusive man gym, you can't formulate original ideas/and or write to "good",you like to copy and paste because you spend all your quality time at said man gym and are too busy, you fear one legged science droppers because they are better looking, smarter and funnier than you and don't have to work out all the time to pull smokin' honeys so you call said man a traitor, ugly and a pussy.

5.) Someone gets irritated by you because rather than formulate a cognitive argument, you resort to the lowest common denominator and call them a pussy...this irritated person also might be called a traitor. The result of this is the person tries to bate you back to the issue but you are too busy typing pussy repeatedly.

I was going to do a top ten but maybe I will return later and finish you off...I'm sure you are busy getting ready to say something truly profound such as "you are a pussy" so I'll let you get back to your brainstorming...good luck with that...pussies.

PS - Good one Anita, apparently our friends forgot to take their vitamins today. I think Rhino possibly misplaced his Once A Day vits and decided to take the rest of the HGH on the shelf...Hey, Rhino does that stuff cause a reaction similar to roid rage?

Mookie McFly said...

Hey Rhinogets-notail, wait a second, did you go back to edit your sloppy copy job or did you gey Donkey to do it for you just like you bring him in to defend your mouth queefing of malnourished brain vomit? Either way, to quote another famous patriot, Eric Cartman, "that is frickin' weak".
Good luck with that...

Rhino-itall said...

i fixed it myself after you pointed it out. thank you for that by the way.

also, you're a pussy.

Rhino-itall said...

oh and i only got to the man gym point because your comments are just way too long dude. I can't read that much bullshit all at once, you gotta shorten it up like for example:

You're a traitor,.... Pussy!

Mookie McFly said...

Can we go for a hundred comments again...Remember that one? Ah, memories, the color of our life. You only have to call me pussy 40 more times and traitor 40 times and we are there kid.

By the by (just because I know you hate that expression) Rhino, I got nothing but love for you man. If I get out of line, it's only because I get impatient with ignorance. I should be more patient with the develomentally challenged...that's my burden.

Just back to my initial thought though for a second but maybe you should ban the treacherous finger pointing for a while...Here is a quote from your man and mine, none other than Mr.Benjamin Franklin:

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do."

Rhino-itall said...

yes i do hate that "by he by" shit. You sound like such a euro homo,.... come to think of it, you can keep using it.

so how is that quote relevant to your original thought? Are you saying that the lefty's are fools because all they do is criticize with stupid sayings like "bush lied kids died", without actually having any realistic idea of the way the world works or what the truth is?

Rhino-itall said...

oh and you're a traitor, pussy.

Mookie McFly said...

No I am saying that you shouldn't condemn every person that disagrees with you as a traitor because contrary to your popular belief (and vast academia)you don't know it all. It makes you look like a fool...but if you're happy being a fool (which past experience proves) so be it.

"I pity the fool." - Mr.T

Rhino-itall said...

actually i do know it all.

Also, i don't call everyone who disagree's with me a traitor, only the traitors.

I thought i clarified my position about 20 comments ago. Maybe you should go back and read it again.

Have fun at the circus......clown!

Mookie McFly said...

No, you lumped being an objector to war with rooting against your country...maybe you should go back and read it again. Not everyone who is against war hates their country. In fact sometimes they love it more and are more interested in finding viable alternatives through open dialogue (I know this is an outrageous notion to you). Once again, I am not against this war in that I think it needed to happen...but that doesn't mean it has been carried out effectively, 100%, and just so groovy that I can ignore it and go back to life without delay.

You also assume that the protesters of this war in particular have some sort of huge effect on it's outcome. I disagree and think that if anything they are just more noise in the wind. Real protest of the war would have left GWB unemployed and it did not...Do you think that Osama only knows that people are protesting or do you think he knows that his polls are down...I bet he also knows more than half the population still support the war and will support it to it's eventual end. He also knows that regardless there are special forces all over his trail and if he doesn't stop wasting all of his time reading The Aurora he will end up in a coffin.

What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. ~Robert E. Lee, letter to his wife, 1864

Everyone's a pacifist between wars. It's like being a vegetarian between meals. ~Colman McCarthy

Mookie McFly said...

Only 72 more pussy and traitor remarks to go...

gary said...

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" Samuel Johnson

Rhino-itall said...

ok fly, i know you had your jesuit education, but i don't think those jews taught you any reading comprehension.

I said " Finally, rooting AGAINST your country makes you a intellectual traitor" etc.

I don't know how much clearer i can state that. If you root for your country to lose, you're a traitor. If that's not being a traitor then what is?

I don't actually think that YOU are a traitor, i just like f-ing with you.
I do however think you're a pussy. But that's ok, it doesn't make you less of a man...... oh yeah it does actually........ oops.

Mookie McFly said...

Objecting to war is not rooting against you country though...not laways at least and that is why you shouldn't always pull out the traitor stamp.

Jesuits aren't is a society of Catholic priests. SJ - the society of Jesus. They have always been the most educated of men, usually speaking many languages and versed in all forms of learning (hence their liberal arts education and their unwieldy core cirriculum). Reading comprehension aside, I know that my college education doesn't make me smarter than you. However, being me does make me smarter than you.

As for being a pussy...I am not one of those either. You know that expression, you are what you eat. It's not entirely true although in your case it might be true because I heard you eat di...ding dongs. Remember the comment policy you pussy!

Rhino-itall said...

oh they're not jews?

what about jewjitsu? invented by jews or no?

Mookie McFly said...

Not sure but have you ever noticed that a lot of diamond cutters are jewish and that they usually work in jew-elery stores? Is this where the word jewel comes from? Seriously, I am not sure?

Enough off color humor for now though as Donkeyhahahoohoo is telling jokes.

Rhino-itall said...

i wouldn't be surprised if that was the etymology of jewelry. i think we need to check that out.

anita said...

from some on-line etymological dictionary --- didn't write it down (sorry for my poor cutting and pasting skills. i would have done a better job, but i was too busy bidding on bling-bling on e-bay):



.1290, "article of value used for adornment," Anglo-Fr. juel, O.Fr. juel, jouel "ornament, jewel" (12c.), perhaps from M.L. jocale, from L. jocus "pastime, sport," in V.L. "that which causes joy" (see joke). Another theory traces it to L. gaudium, also with a notion of "rejoice." Sense of "precious stone" developed early 14c.

Mookie McFly said...

Good work Anita...Is the term "Jew" from the always more appropriate name - Jewish - which I think is derived from Jerusalem somehow also linked. Doesn't Jerusalem also somehow mean "rejoice" or something like that? I am only asking (there's nothing wrong with asking,right?)