Monday, June 26, 2006

Terrorists, (They've Had) The NY Times All Their Lives

I cancelled my subscription to the Nation Review a few years back as I embraced the paleo-con within, and stopped visiting them online after they discontinued the educational and entertaining "Buckley's Word of the Day" feature. But now again I swing by to see what the keanu-cons are up to. Well they hit the hippies on the head today.

As Ive been saying for quite some time, the dems are no longer an anti-war party, as their recent voting record indicates...they are a full fledged pro-terrorism anti-American party plain and simple. Now all you rank and file hippies out there before you start your whining, I am specifically addressing the democratic leadership... (see Murtha: "American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran") and the liberal mainstream media (see ny times: once again, revealing covert anti-terrorism measures).

Regarding the pelosi whipped Murtha, I think its time Jessep issued a Code Red on this traitor. And as far as the ny slimes is concerned I think as The National Reviews argues, its time to put the babies in the corner... story

1 comment:

Mookie McFly said...

Colonel Sulzberger replies, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth...wait, what did you say? You really want the truth? Huh? Sorry, we thought you couldn't handle the truth. I guess we were wrong...nah, you guys are just kidding! Right?! We're going to keep doing what we've been doing despite the fact that it make no sense and is completely irresponsible. You need us up on that wall like you need the fool on the hill. We make the truth that much more obvious."