Monday, June 26, 2006

Snitches and Bitches

Informer you no say daddy me Snow me I'll go blame
A licky boom boom down
Detective mon said daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane
A licky boom boom down.

Tony Snow: 'The NEW YORK TIMES and other news organizations ought to think long and hard about whether a public's right to know in some cases might override somebody's right to live.


TREASON - This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

We must hunt down, root out the leaking rats and bring them up on charges of treason. Last time I checked the ny and la Times had roughly two readers and without a doubt advising the terrorists of the covert ops we are using to track them certainly construes "aid and comfort". There have been calls to investigate the press and I would agree, but only to discover the identities of the rats. Funny how the libs didnt have a problem investigating the leaker of the Vanity Fair covergirl, but cry freedom of press when its anti-Bush and anti-American (sensing a pattern?) Someone once said...

Just because you have the right
Doesnt mean its the right thing

The press must remain free no matter how big of scummbagging treacherous jackasses they might be, but there has to come a point. However, the rats revealing this information about the incredibly effective covert tactics of how we are monitoring terrorist communications and money laundering, if as is probably the case, that they are in the intelligence community, then they have taken an oath to protect our Country and have signed numerous confidentiality contracts. To betray that is illegal, and for that, the rats must be punished. To paraphrase the cheesy 70's flick "Over The Edge"

An American that rats
out America to terrorists
Is a dead kid


Rhino-itall said...

What would have happended to the slimes or their editors if they had revealed these secrets during WWII? Do you think they would have done a story on enigma(ww2 german code machine)if they knew about it? NO, they would have been jailed for treason! I think the move is to prosecute them. Rep. Peter King from Long, who is head of the house homeland security committee has called for investigation and prosectution of the writers and editors at the slimes, i'm with him.

Rhino-itall said...

The thing that bothers me the most about this is the motivation. the story doesn't allege any wrong doing, keller himself says he doesn't think it is illegal, plus keller admits that at least 3 people outside the Bush admin. urged him not to run the story, including tom kean (9/11 comm. chairman) and scumbag john murtha! Yet he ran the story anyway.............WHY?

the slimes knew that this story would hurt the war effort, AND they knew it was top secret, AND they were urged by an outspoken war critic scumbag to not run the story!.......TREASON!

anita said...

come on rhinoculousness: this is being blown so very out of proportion by people like peter king and those who are being subjected to forced fealty by the administration.

and notice the timing ... it's gonna fade into the background of fireworks and cotton candy. not sure what to make of that, but i'm sure there was method to the madness here.

i hate this battle between 'who's the patriot and who's the traitor' ...

and since you mentioned the governor of my former state and the esteemed commencement speaker at my college graduation (zzzzzzzz):

don't forget that tom kean is a republican. and don't forget that the 9/11 commission report is utterly and totally flawed. it's a useless document meant to assuage the masses into a deep hypnotic sleep and prevent them from asking the real questions that need to be asked.

i gotta start packing my bags now ... heading to the beach in a few days. don't want to hear from "treason" ... it's 4th of July, dudes.

anita said...

meant to say:

FORMER governor of my FORMER state (birth-state?).

And no McGreevy jokes, please.

Anonymous said...

Excellent points Rhino. Hang them all. Demolish the nytimes headquarters and set my hatters free.

Rhino-itall said...

anita, you are a perfect example of the type of person we shouldn't be listening too. you know nothing, and it seems you've forgotten how bad and evil these people are. it seems that you are one of the complacent ones who doesn't realize that these people still want to hurt us.

how do you know it's blown out of proportion?
do you know who hambali is? how about uzair paracha? NO?

do you think it's a GOOD idea to tell our enemies our secrets? Should we be making the mission of our troops harder? is that what you believe?

have fun at the beach, ignorance really is bliss so you should have a great time.

anita said...

rhino, after i wrote that i went back and read some articles that i had missed (or ignored). i was wrong. it's a far bigger deal and i'm sorry for the rant.

next time i'll (to quote your favorite singer/songwriter) "know my song well before i start singing"

Rhino-itall said...

well anita, it looks like we're gonna have to kiss and make out, opps i mean make up;)

Rhino-itall said...

or oops maybe

anita said...


Rhino-itall said...

Donsky, can you give me an example? please just one example of this administration "shredding the bill of rights"?????? Please tell me what you mean??? The wiretapping that every administration has used since at least carter? is that what you mean????

I don't want to get into the business of defending the Bush administration but i'm tired of the liberal bullshit that you're spewing without having any facts!

Snow is Orwellian?? what does that even mean???? stop reading maureen dowds talking points!!! and come up with your own thoughts.

"this administration is escalating our slide toward fascism (consistent since wilson was in office) at a pace we've never seen." FOR EXAMPLE????????????

You know maybe the enigma was a bigger deal than the banking thing, but it's the same concept. If you say it's not, you're either ignorant, or you're being dishonest yourself.

We've used this program already to successfully capture our enemies, so this kind of leak WILL help them, just like the wiretap leak has helped them already.

Finally, the fact that you're glad that the slimes is helping our enemies is indicative of your brown education and your ultra liberal manhattan environment taking it's toll on you.


Anonymous said...

Im not sure what it means, but I think it has something to do with a child's sled.

Rhino-itall said...

Well donsky, i'm not a lawyer, and i've never read the entire patriot act, maybe you have but it sounds to me like you are getting your talking points about it from the aclu or the slimes. You say "the patriot act" like it's an evil piece of legislationg that GWB put into place all by himself, however it was approved by congress not once, but TWICE!

The rest of your argument is also bullshit. the library card argument is a LIE. YOU BOUGHT THAT LINE NOT ME!

here's what i mean:

Another ACLU attack on 215 uses the tactic of ignoring legal precedent. Grand juries investigating a crime have always been able to subpoena the very items covered by 215 -- including library records and Internet logs -- without seeking a warrant or indeed any judicial approval at all. Section 215 merely gives anti-terror investigators the same access to such records as criminal grand juries, with the added protection of judicial oversight.

The administration's opponents reply that grand-jury subpoenas are preferable, because they can be contested in court and are not always confidential, as are 215 orders. But these differences are fully justified by the distinction between preempting terrorism and prosecuting crime. Speed and secrecy are essential to uncovering a terror plot before it climaxes. The perils of unnecessary delay were made clear in the Zacarias Moussaoui case, when Justice Department bureaucrats, virtually mummified by red tape, forbade Minneapolis FBI agents from searching the al Qaeda operative's computer in the weeks before 9/11.

These arguments are old, and i've already kicked enough ass on the patriot act bullshit, but if you wnat to continue, do some homework first, and don't get your research from the aclu website anymore.


anita said...

Charles Foster Kane: You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man.

anita said...

more seemingly irrelevant drivel:

Charles Foster Kane's Stepfather: What would you like to be?

Charles Foster Kane: Everything you hate.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the ACLU doesnt hate America, and I oft get caught up as well oversimplifying their position. They love America. Its just the American way of life, our history and our citizens that they hate.

They love America like bacteria loves an open uncle-festering wound that enables them to spread their sick twisted commie disease.

For your insolence Donsky I will be arriving at Arlenes fiddle in hand wearing my brooks brothers blue blazer with argyle socks with braces.

Prepare to be outrocked!

Rhino-itall said...

donsky, i'm sure you're right that we will never agree on this, however one thing we can agree on is that you're full of shit!

1. You said: "this administration has time and again shown its willingness to shred the bill of rights"

2. then you said:"GWB is the most egregious of all, for the reasons i stated above."

3. "this administration is escalating our slide toward fascism (consistent since wilson was in office) at a pace we've never seen."

4. And by that you meant: "the patriot act"

You implied that it was the president who imposed the patriot act on us by some sort of royal fiat. The constitution of the United States is the greatest document ever created, it is the guidline that has given us the greatest country in the world and the greatest way of life in the history of the world. The patriot act does not violate it, the president has sworn ot uphold it. The slide towards fascism may indeed be coming, but it won't be because of the patriot act, it will be because of organizations like the aclu, and the "people for the american way" who would silence any reference to God in the country and claim they believe in free speech and the free exercise of religion.

That's one small example of the aclu bullshit, and i could write for days about how THEY are the fascists, but like you said we will never convince each other. I know that you're young though so i'll just wait a few years for you to realize the error of your ways.

anita said...

"I agree that the ACLU doesnt hate America"

wow. seems the folks at TBR are really rubbing off on you now, donkeyhue.

(i hear that glenda and dude are actually maoist functionaries posing as, well, hmmm ... a woman with magic wand and men in a skirt -- make of that what you will).

but it's all good. you're coming to your senses. finally.

so when's your birthday, i'll buy you some patchouli. and sandalwood incense. and some beaded rope to replace the doors in your apartment.

peace, brother.

Anonymous said...

Anita I think you missed my point. The ACLU are scumbags.

Actually my b-day is next week, and I appreciate the offer, but Im allergic to hippie.

anita said...

ahh!! so you are a 'cancer' ... it's ALL making sense to me now.

my little sister is a cancer. she's the most difficult, stubborn person on the face of the planet. actually, in the entire f-ing universe. yes, she's nice. but very difficult. she pisses me off 99.9% of the time. make that 99.999999% of the time.

you see, we pisceans are gentle, spiritual folk. we like to float in the miasma of our self-reflectiveness.