Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Is There A Lawyer In The House

This is an emergency, potentially life and death. We need some attorneys, preferably who are willing to work pro bono for a very very very good cause. It seems that some of our soldiers have been captured in Iraq and it is feared that their rights may be violated, real life honest to goodness torture even, now I know what youre thinking, could the insurgents be so barbaric to point at our troop's genitals? Maybe even put a dog collar on them? Perhaps, but its hard to say. They may even take pictures, live video even....the horrific indignation.

If anyone from the ACLU is out there, please respond. Im afraid the situation is looking bleak. I have noticed the good and courageous work you recently accomplished keeping a high school valedictorian in Sin City (of all the places, can you imagine that) from uttering the G word in her commencement speech, and think you are perfect for the task. Gitmo experience a plus, but not required.

Im no Nostradamus, but I have a feeling there will be not be the same outcry from the left for the animalistic torture and murder of two of America's finest, Pfc Kristian Menchaca, of Houston, and Pfc Thomas L. Tucker, of Madras, Ore., like there was for Abu Gharib or Gitmo. I doubt Murtha or Kerry (two vets, if you didnt listen to them tell you...again,and again, and again) will call out the Al Qaeda thugs for being the terrorist murderous thugs that they are. Dont plan on seeing a call for a full investigation (with UN approval of course) on any of the liberal blogs. You may see some pictures once they are released on the MSM, but thats only because they are bloodthirsty whores, and be sure it will be an anti-American slant to the story (like a hooker getting raped, they had it coming), but dont look to hard for a cartoon of Yo Mohammed, because that would be in poor taste.

Im not saying liberals take pleasure in the deaths of American soldiers (Im not saying that am I?) but I sure as hell dont think they mind it all that much. Well not as much as making sure terrorists get their door mats and comic book copys of the koran in Cuba.


Carrie Oakey said...

When our boys (and girls) did it, it was okay, because they were just blowing off steam! But these Islamofascists are angry because we won't let them create the theocracy they want.
And the ACLU is just a communist plot to take God out of Our Great Country and make us more secular, just ripe for plucking by the Islamofascists!

SacramentoVoice said...

Hey Ron,
When did we Behead any Iraqis?
you know not what you speak of, i have yet to see an american soldier place a bomb in a crowded market place, with women and children as the target. your 2 standereds are amazing, I'm sure you would see them if you wern't so busy hating our great country.

Intrepidflame said...

Hey Sacremtovoice please do some research on what has happened in places like Fallujah. Maybe bombs have not been placed, but they have been dropped by the tons for the last ten years or more all ove Iraq. Yes on Women and children. I don't think we hate our country, we simply hate being lied to, and having our government kill in our name.

I would like to ask you and all your readers a favor. I would like as many Bloggers as possible to check out my site and comment on my most recent post: Bloggers of the World Unite. I understand that this may, at first, appear to be flagrant fishing for readers and obnoxious self-promotion, but that is not my intention. I want to see if I can generate some ideas, and if I can make a few people aware of my little corner of the blogsphere in the process we all win.

Follow BZ to the IntrepidFlame

SacramentoVoice said...

Tell when the U.S. targeted women and children? Yes some have died mostly when terrorist are shacked up in there home.
You condemn the U.S. military but will not do he same to the “Freedom fights” in Iraq and Afghanistan. I understand that you wish things where back the way they where, the shameful thing is you do that wish to help the people of Iraq or Afghanistan live in the same freedom, why don’t you ask some Iraqis, not just one but several, as I have, and you may feel the same way I do.

Rhino-itall said...

ron and bz you couldn't be more wrong. We don't torture anyone! Unless you mean loud music and air conditioning.
The current administration put someone in jail from gitmo because he let the dogs GET TOO CLOSE to a prisoner. did the dog bite the prisoner, scratch the prisoner? NO just got too close and the guy went to jail.
The few soldiers who piled up naked prisoners in abu ghraib went to jail, and that was too harsh if you ask me. Nobody was tortured, nobody had THEIR HEAD CUT OFF! Personally i'm sickened by you and your ilk, and your attempts at moral equivalency. I wish you would go to iraq and volunteer to be human shields.

anita said...

rhino, you are missing the fact that the gitmo prisoners were physically AS WELL AS psychologically abused. while perhaps nobody's 'head was cut off at gitmo,' (or at least not that we know of) it is a fact that many of these prisoners were subjected to sophisticated psychological abuse, such as light and sensory deprivation, brutal interrogations, sexual humiliation and far more. while that may not sound quite as inflammatory as 'choppin' a guy's head off' ... these types of methods can lead to insanity and and even suicide for the victim. while you may think that those pictures of the naked men on the floor with the woman pointing at them was not so bad ... well in some muslim cultures that is a fate worse than death.

trying to explain away u.s. culpibility at gitmo and other prison camps is disgusting. just because 'the other guy' didn't follow the rules, doesn't exempt the u.s., the supposed 'leader' of the free world, from holding to the tenets of the geneva conventions.

Rhino-itall said...

anita YOU ARE WRONG! we dont torture anyone! that is a FACT.
You say nobodys head was cut off in the same sentence as sensory depravation! like they're equal???

are you serious? it may lead to some of these terrorists having nightmares? oh boo hoo! do you think that prayer mats, soccer games, air conditioning, special foods that comply with their religion are torture? or do you think they would rather have their HEADS CUT OFF WITH A DULL RUSTY KNIFE WHILE THEY PLEAD FOR THEIR LIVES AND THINK OF THEIR CHILDREN?

You seriously make me sick! i mean i'm physically ill at the thought of you and anyone like you who tries to justify the actions of these disgusting animals by comparing it to gitmo or anything else that we do.
it COULD lead to insanity or even suicide? so it could also lead to NOTHING.
And by the way we DO follow the geneva convention! even though these guys aren't entitled to it because they are TERRORISTS! but why do you attack the US and i don't hear shit from you in protest of these fucking animals??

anita said...

i don't think ANY ONE PERSON here has any, any attempt at all to justify the behavior of the terrorists. NOT ONE.

the united states has shown itself to having inflicted, shall i say it and risk more wrath on your part? war crimes on the men and women in the detention camps and on the ground in iraq (haditha anyone?).

just because the terrorists are fucking animals and brutal bastards DOES NOT give us the right to sink to their level, even if the opportunity arises. we are a far better country than that. because american ISN'T SUPPOSED TO torture innocent inmates or civilians. just because a guy in gitmo's name is mohammed does not automatically make him guilty of being a terrorist.

and i am patriotic. you obviously are just vengeful.

anita said...
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anita said...

and i may write typo-laden responses, but i am not wrong.

anita said...

you are wrong.

Rhino-itall said...

No anita you are wrong. Haditha? what do you know about it? NOTHING, which is exactly what john murtha knows! donkey just did a post about a guy who was falsely accused, just like these guys probably are. But either way, we are prosecuting and investigating any and all reported war crimes! we do not condone torture, we do not condone targeting civilians! What part of that don't you understand?
If an incident happened the perpetrators will be prosecuted! where is your outrage against these fucking animals that torture as a regular tool? that kill innocent civilians as a regular practice?
why is all of your venom reserved for MY country??????

anita said...

it's MY country too, dude.

i'm off to philadelphia, The City of Brotherly Love.

as opposed to new york. which is truly venenmous today.