These things are badass, Im especially impressed with the one way glass. My only question is why isnt this same technology being implemented in the vehicles of everyday troops. Seems like it would be a good investment, you know with the life saving aspect and all.
Food for thought DOD.
pussiliency is wrongClick on the bus gus for more info.
I wonder if i can get some cash to endorse these things.
The Marines rock these bad boys
The real news here is that after three years it's not even safe to drive from Baghdad to the airport.Define "winning" again.
Its not safe to drive to Newark airport either...your point is?
gary we are at war, what is it you're not understanding.
And we're losing.
We may indeed lose this war if we dont finish the job, but its ridonkulous to say that we are losing. On the contrary we are dominating rather convincingly. Do some homework as opposed to just spewing your hallmark ideologue talking points.
It's not safe to drive to the airport! Shouldn't the capital at least be under control after three years? By what standard are we winning? Define "victory." I expect that casualties may go down (hopefully) as troops are withdrawn to their barracks but I see nothing to suggest that we will be successful in controlling the insurgency.
Gary were winning because out troops and weapons are superior. Thats pretty simple. So what if the insurgency can continue on indefinetly, so what if non Iraqis continue to swarm into the country to train in Jihad and terrorism. So what if Iraqis have less electricity and water than they had before Saddam was ousted. Dude, if we say we are winning it must be true.
Well sarcasm aside, in warfare its rather easy to see which side is winning. The team that kills more enemies is winning. Simple math really.
"The team that kills more enemies is winning."
"You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, yet even at those odds, you will lose and I will win."
Ho Chi Minh, 1946, to the French (who lost.)
what i want to know is what happened to the suicide bomber who took nothing but his obliterated beamer with him to meet allah? if a suicide bomber explodes in the desert, and noboby else dies, does allah hear a sound?
Youre not really comparing us to the French are you?
Donkeyhue, do you deliberately miss the point?
We're going to lose because no one in the administration or out can even define what victory would be, much last come up with a strategy for winning.
Why don't you just admit that the war was a mistake, sold to the public under false pretenses, and that Bush is a really, really bad President?
gary we didn't lose in vietnam because we were inferior on the battle field, we lost because we quit.
JFK's war could have been won, but pussies like john kerry and the walter cronkite turned the tide against their own country.
the only way we lose this war is if we pussy out, that is your plan, that's how you live, not me, and not my president.
So, again, define "winning" in Iraq. Ho Chi Minh could not defeat us militarily in Vietnam but he knew that eventually we would leave. Should we have stayed forever? Is that the solution in Iraq?
And your President is a pussy. (And like most pussies he likes dick.)
So then, in your own words Gary ... stop being a pussy, get behind your country and maybe we can win this thing and avoid a similiar fate which is the shame of JFK's Vietnam.
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