Friday, March 10, 2006

Liberal Teachers Are Hitler

Well they sure as hell are trying real hard to be, thats for sure. Pinkocommie teachers are brainwashing our children much better than any aryan youth program ever did, in fact one could say that Adolf's dream of a Hitlerjugend has been realized in the very country that defeated him. (as Alanis would say...) What Im saying is that our teachers are failing this country as a whole. Charles Smith, executive director of the governing board of the National Assessment of Education Progress, said that...

"just 10% of high school seniors had an adequate grasp of important people, events and concepts in U.S. History. Few for example could identify America's allies and enemies in WWII"

Yet thanks to teachers like Jay Bennish, geography (nay political science, nay history) teacher at Overland High our students are learning that The President of The Unites States of America has "eerie similarities" to Der Fuhrer. Adolf would be proud. Shout out to Sean Allen, student/patriot of Aurora, Co for exposing this jackass.

Now Im not saying all teachers are commies, but any system that allows crackpots such as Bennish to exist is a failing system. I dont buy the usual excuse "that they are trying to challenge our children"


They are more concerned with indoctrinating our children with their own personal opinions and political agendas. That is not education. As David Horowitz, founder of Students for Academic Freedom states...

It is not an education when a mid-term examination contains a required essay on the topic, “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado in 2003. It is not an education when a professor of property law harangues his class on why all Republicans are racist as happened at the Colorado University Law School in 2004. It is not an education when a widely-used required “Peace Studies” textbook, described by the professor as a “masterpiece,” explains that the Soviet Union was a force for peace in the Cold War and the United States was not, that “revolutionary violence” is the only justifiable violence, and that the United States is the greatest terrorist state – and does so without making students aware that there are other interpretations of this history and other views that should be considered on these matters. This extremist text, Peace and Conflict Studies, written by two university professors who explain in their preface that they are partisans of the political left is the required “academic” textbook for students in the Peace Studies course at Ohio State University (Marion).

My concern lies primarily in the arena of public schools K-12. That is when and where our children are most vulnerable to liberal goebbelization. There is no denying the prevalence of the radical left on our college campuses, but at least there you have a choice whether to attend or not, a choice you do not have regarding public education. As far as Im concerned, if you choose to attend Yale (or their ilk), be careful what towel you grab in the showers, as there may be American blood on it.
What will you do if we let you go home,
And the plastic's all melted and so is the chrome?
Who are the brain police?
What will you do when the label comes off,
And the plastic's all melted and the chrome is too soft?
Who are the brain police?
What will you do if the people you knew
Were the plastic that melted and the chromium, too?
Who are the brain police?



Rhino-itall said...

Good post donkey. So here's the question, Aren't the dems supposed to be the party of choice? why not school choice?

Drew Dallons said...

Because when you boil it down to the basics: School choice = Federalized Corportate Welfare. I don't want my tax dollars going to that unless it's benefiting my community directly. How about another idea? Get rid of NCLB and it's standards-based funding rules. Put public school funding back in the realm of states and communities without federal funding (which as I understand, isn't that significant to begin with). Have the states set the standard for their shcools. Have communites vote on what is right for them, whether it be public or private school vouchers.

Unknown said...

And the other side of the coin is this..

Teachers and School Districts that attempt to indoctrinate students as to the beginning of life via their "Intelligent Design" concept.Its not a theory as the fundi's try to push..its their concept. Not one scintilla of their concept is steeped in science.

Education should be based on science and truth..not either end of the political spectrum. Just give them the facts, not opinions or personal beliefs.

Rhino-itall said...

That sounds reasonable drew. I would say put it to a vote in the individual communities too. Unfortunately the teachers unions won't allow it, because they know public schools would lose tons of cash, and someone like me would open a private/non union school that would kick ass and take all the cash away from them.

Rhino-itall said...

well dusty, evolution is just a theory too. It's the religion of Darwin. No proof, no evidence, nothing but a theory from one man.

And since the parents get to choose where to send their kids, they can send them to a school that mirrors their own beliefs.

Unknown said...

Since when do parents get to choose public schools? They can choose to send their child to the local public school or pay for a private school..thats about it, at least in Cali it is.

Evolution is a theory yes..Intelligent Design is not.Why do I have to repeat myself, you didn't catch it the first time I posted it? A theory is based on scientific data..a concept is not.

Anonymous said...





Rhino-itall said...

Dusty, that's the point, parents don't get to choose, that's the reason for vouchers. School choice.

The point is that evolution is not fact, just an idea. Might be true, might not. In all this time, no one has been able to prove evolution. Intelligent design is an idea, might be true, might not.
why do we favor one unproven idea over another?

Unknown said...

Your point is what? Big difference between a theory based on scientific data and an idea based on a book. A very old book. A best seller even. But its still a book which contains no scientific data.

Vouchers have many pluses and minuses. I haven't figure that one out yet..I do know where I stand on evolution.

Anonymous said...

What scientific data do you speak of? I was unaware that there was any, just one mans conceptual theory of what could be.

Anonymous said...

And no, Patrick Ewing is NOT the missing link.

Rhino-itall said...

Wait, are you sure donkey?
Ok, well then if ewing is not the missing link then you're right, there is no scientific data.

Unknown said...

Personally, I thought Bobby Knight was the missing link.

Rhino-itall said...

I like bobby knight, he's a jerk, but he doesn't apologize for it. You know what you're getting with bobby knight, i think that's a rare quality in a person these days.

Unknown said...

Good God..I bet myself you liked him..he's your type of short-bus rider...void of any endearing qualities..yeah if the kids can deal with his personality or lack thereof he is a good coach.

Anonymous said...

Rhino I thought you liked him because hes the only other man whose sweater vest collection rivals your own.

Anonymous said...


1 You missed my point. The entire post was a play on how any and every thing conservative is Hitleresque

2 I agree

3 Suckers they be saying they can take out David Horovitz
Hurricane you got clout
Other DJ's he'll take your head out

Im an anecdotes kind of guy. I dont need his stats, as stats can be skewed either way, but the examples he cites are real and fitting

4 The modern day composer (blogger) refuses to die. FZ

Rhino-itall said...

no endearing qualities? what about my big horn?

Rhino-itall said...

and my sweater vest collection?

Anonymous said...

No shite. I stand corrected. I tried to get into him for Zappa's sake, but way over my musical comprehension level. Im more of a titties n beer type of troglodyte. Now I have stolen it to refer to bloggers. The cycle is complete

extremist anecdotal rhetoric is what The Aurora strives for

Anonymous said...

Ugh. No thanks, I'll pass on this one. It's already in the compost heap anyway.

I like this Dusty, I think she fixes your asses pretty well. Wish I had HER at the boot.

Unknown said...

Thanks Lily..but methinks these guys can not be fixed..even with a baseball bat to the noggin.

just kidding Rhino..yeah yeah yeah..the big horn..but do you know how to use it dear?

Anonymous said...

Good question. And where's the bat? Rhinobashing time.

Mookie McFly said...

Benjamin, Zappa was talking about religion not education when he sang under your theory of proving things through semi- measurable quantified research (polls and research usually only serve one master; the one trying to prove something), the quote doesn't really apply here. In fact that particular quote was a reference to Billy Graham and the fact that people believe in false prophets instead of the "one way trip" that they are on...Love that song though.

Yukkione said...

Why don't more conservatives go into teaching? There is no money in it, and they would always be demagogued by conservatives.
Your on a spaceship that crashes on a distant planet. There are a hundred or so survivors, and there is a lot of usable wreckage. After much arguing between survivors the survivors split into two groups. One group are religious folks that look to a Biblical /prayer based solution for being rescued, and another group that will use science and engineering to find a rescue solution.. What group do you go with?

Anonymous said...

Thats an easy one LOC

I play both groups against each other so I can institute a Reign Of Terror never before witnessed. And if Im opposed?

I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women."

Then execute all the hippies

Anonymous said...

...and to answer your first question

Those that can, do
Those that cant, teach

Anonymous said...

Hmm. No plan to simply take the smartest woman (me) to repopulate with greatness? You are a dumbass.

SacramentoVoice said...

to LOC

I thonght it was just Libs tht where in outerspace.