All this talk about hatters in the comments section I feel bad I havent given an official Aurora endorsement and plug to my guys at Arnold Hatters. Their company was one of many victims of the eminent domain abuse by the City of New York and the New York Times and after decades of being in their old location across from the Port Authority are now just growing into their new location a few blocks down. If youre in the neighborhood and in the market for some headgear pop in say hello and make a purchase. The jokes in Yiddish are free (trust me...dont ask em to tell the one about the clock maker). Click on their logo for the website. They do mail order biz as well.Pussiliency Is Wrong
I thought hats were out w/JFK?
Nope, but if they were I think Abramoff may have killed the comeback.
yea Abramhoff really looked like a putz. hehe I love hats but won't wear one since people would assume I'm balding. weird huh?
Shill- not balding? There goes my fixation. Actually I don't think Aby looked bad in his hats. His trouble was that he needed somebody to tailor his suits correctly, his clothing didn't sit on his frame correctly. One would think he could afford decent alterations.
Good luck to Arnold Hatters in their new location. I haven't been there for a while, maybe i'll stop by again soon.
Glenda, you are always welcome at the aurora, and please mouth off as harshly as you want, we probably deserve it!
Dammit you bastards annoy every blogger I like! WHY? Why don't you pester the idiots that I hate? We just got Glenda after losing Anita. Let me tell you pussilient zoo-whores something: Lose The Noose once had a comment thread of 46 male comments- and ONE by a female who never came back. Women hate me. Except for Fosco. Can't I keep Glenda?
take it easy chickless, glenda will hate us soon, it's inevitable.
Wait, fosco is a chick?
OK I want to clarify for Donkey since I just went to Glenda's: I do not blame you for the fact that many people are unable to simply ignore comments. I do not blame you for the frequent double standard in blogarama ie name calling. I do not consider you trolls. I do not consider your views less valid. I have been told though that you leave racial slurs and threats at other people's blogs and as long as I associate with you I am an "accomplice". Two claim that they deleted them before I got there. One claimed you posted her name on this blog but I never saw it...not saying you didn't. Well, whatever.
I stand by my free-for-all approach. I don't take kindly to being threatened all the time either by women that talk about sisterhood. If you want me to be your boot- you have the wrong idea about empowerment.
My best friend is a rich republican- does that mean that I am an accomplice? She drives an Escalade-if I sit in it, am I an accomplice to global warming? I am not blaming this thinking on you guys. But I'm starting to think the atheists use guilt more than my Catholic Grandma!
I don't understand why people blame me for what you guys say. Why don't they defend their positions instead of telling me to censor you? Talk about pussiliency. Or better- IGNORE it?
I see you are feeling better today of the best blog names ever by the way. People shouldn't try to censor these animals. They should take them out in the back yard and shoot them. It is the only way to shut them up, honestly.
Who cares if people think you are bald...I mean, I wouldn't reccomend using a picture w/a hat on if you are an internet dater but hats are essential. I like to wash my hair once or twice a week. Bed head is an affliction that only my oldest and dirtiest Mets hat cures. Be brave...get thee to Arnold Hatters...or your nearest Lids.
Kill em all and let the hatter sort them out.
why all the anti-bald sentiment? i don't think i feel comfortable with this talk.
oh and we prefer follically impaired thank you.
Hats don't cause baldness...
Weakness in your genes (jeans) causes baldness...
Only hats can prevent forest fires
Oh its just all part of the religious right's baldophobic foreign policy.
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