Teach A Man To Fish
...and he'll land a six figure endorsement deal. Congratulations to Luke Clausen on winning the 2006 Bassmasters Classic. I was watching some of it on ESPN Sunday morning ( I guess Ive been living in the City too long and was trying to get back to my hilljack ways) and was a little surprised at the amount of sponsorships these guys get. Notice their gear in the picture to the right, barely an inch of their clothing, equipment, and boat is left unscathed by the corporate man. Whatever happened to the days when it was all about a man, his rod, a six pack of Old Milwaukee and the purity of the sport of hunting for a fish to bite on your hook (I always preferred tuna and snapper myself) Is there nothing sacred?
Hey guys. You have a nice site.
Please visit my site at yourantandrave.blogspot.com
I would love rants and raves from all over the country and would like to get the ball rolling.
It's nice when nice people are nice.
Pardon me - I'm still adoring my rod.
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