The Aurora is saddened to learn of the recent passing of Mr Donald Knotts. Don (along with partner Tim Conway) was recently involved in an investigative reporting expose on The Aurora, and while at this time we are not comfortable retracting any possible slanderous insinuations made, we would like to honor the man for the many services he provided to his Country.

Perhaps not known to many of his fans, Mr Knotts was a decorated veteran of WWII, being awarded the Victory Medal, Philippine Liberation Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (with 4 bronze service stars), Army Good Conduct Medal, Marksman Badge (with Carbine Bar) and Honorable Service Lapel Pin. For your service The Aurora salutes you.

However perhaps Mr Knotts greatest service may have been in sharing his comedic genius with us. His characters were timeless and he provided laughter to many different generations in roles ranging from Barney Fife, his numerous Disney westerns, an unlikely sex symbol in The Love God?, his brilliance as Mr Furley, and my personal favorite as Shake the boxing manager in "The Prize Fighter". Rest In Peace.
Aw you guys do have an emotional side... how moving. Donkeyhue I hope I didn't meet you...you weren't involved in any Outback Steakhouse incident, were you???? I'm not sure if you agree with my respect or are horrified by it...I meant respect in an academic way, in the way you respect somebody who can back up what they say. Did I put my sandal in my mouth?
If your referring to an expoding blooming onion, Aboriginal twin sisters, a kangaroo, and an oil can of Fosters I have no idea what youre talking about.
R.I.P Mr. Knotts. Good work donkey. I did not know any of these things about mr.furley. A true American hero.
Don Knotts is Hitler!!!!
Don Knotts is Hitler!!!!
Dont you mean he WAS Hitler?
Boy oh boy. Giraffes are so selfish. - Barney Fife, Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, Andy Griffith Show.
They die in 3's
Grandpa Al Lewis
Don Knotts
Dennis Weaver
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