Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hillary lied people died

Harry Reid pulled the Senate into closed session Tuesday, claiming that "The Libby indictment provides a window into what this is really all about, how this Administration manufactured and manipulated intelligence in order to sell the war in Iraq." What? lets ask the people who know.

In July 2004, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan
500-page report that found numerous failures of intelligence gathering and
analysis. As for the Bush Administration's role, "The Committee did not find any
evidence that Administration officials attempted to coerce, influence or
pressure analysts to change their judgments related to Iraq's weapons of mass

And what about pre war? What was the senate intelligence committe saying then? Well, thanks to google, we can check it out for ourselves.

Senator Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic ViceChairman ofthe Intelligence
Committee, who is now leading the "Bushlied"brigades (fromOctober 10, 2002):
"There is unmistakableevidencethatSaddam Hussein isworking aggressively to
developnuclear weaponsand willlikely have nuclearweapons within thenextfive
years. . . .Wealso shouldremember we have alwaysunderestimated the progress
Saddamhas made indevelopment ofweapons of massdestruction."

If Mr. Bush is a liar, what does the use of the phrase "unmistakable evidence" make Mr. Rockefeller? A fool? Yes, he is a fool, but don't forget, the intelligence committee gets all the same information as the president. And what about some other prominent "Bush Lied" dems? In fact what about the front runner for the democratic nomination for president?


Anonymous said...

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Jimbo said...

Your blog is really pleasant. GIVE HILLARY HELL-FIRE-DAMNATION.

GO RHINO. Your blog is really pleasant.

Anonymous said...

Its now official...Cindy Sheehan is running the Democratic Party.

Mookie McFly said...

Great, not only do we have to worry about radical fundamentalist terror purveyors...but now we also have to worry about invading Italian bloggers trying to sell us on something that sounds like a dirty female sports bra/garment?

Seriously though I do agree w/the Rhinocular one here...Do these hypocrites have short term memory and what's worse do their supporters have this same short coming? I don't remember too many politicians being against the war when it began...but all of a sudden they are crawling out of the woodwork claiming to have expert knowledge of this and that. I wish that there was a rhetoric gun that you could shoot at them. It would simultaneously paralyze leaving them mute while also replaying their former contradictory statements. Unfortunately, they are allowed to have it both ways.