Sunday, April 22, 2012

How Could You...

Vote for Obama again?
The first time you did it is understandable. You didn't do any real homework on him, you watched NBC, you didn't like McCain (neither did I) etc. etc. but now?

He's been a complete disaster on every level.

 The economy is still in the tank, unemployment is still well above 8%, he has accumulated more debt in 3 years than Bush did in 8 (he called Bush unpatriotic for all that debt by the way). Gas prices are through the roof and we have no discernible energy policy at all. (energy should probably have it's own paragraph)

Foreign Policy.. almost as bad. Iraq is looking worse than it did before he took over. He expanded the war in Afghanistan. Syria is in a free fall while Obama sits idly by. He sided with the mullahs in Iran, and he has alienated Israel.

Other failures and broken promises:
AIG bonuses and money to Goldman Sachs
Eric Holder.. (completely incompetent)
Fast and Furious (plus the stonewalling on it)
Tax Cheat appointees (multiple)
Keystone Pipeline
Corzine is still raising $ for him NOW!!!
etc. etc.

Really there's too many to list but you get the point. Why would you vote for this guy?

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