Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bring The Troops Home

This is something I've been saying for years. Why do we still have so many troops and so many bases around the world, and especially in Europe to stop the advancement of the Soviet Union?

Didn't Reagan already take care of that? Didn't we witness the destruction of the Berlin Wall? It seems a waste of resources to still have such a huge presence in these areas. I understand South Korea because we want to be wary of the Chinese but why Germany? Couldn't those assets (people/equipment/cash) be better used somewhere else?

Here's George Will via Cafe Hayek


gary said...

OMFG you're right about something. I agree.

Rhino-itall said...

and then i'm sure you also agree that domestic spending on the welfare state is completely out of control. Everything from food stamps to unemployment insurance needs to be cut dramatically. If I was in charge I would start with a 15% cut across the board on welfare and a 5% cut on military spending. However I would force congress to decide what to cut TODAY. not over ten years or whatever bullshit time frame they put on it.

gary said...

Maybe a 15% cut on military spending and a 5% cut on domestic. We spend more on military than the next 17 countries in the world--and most of them are our allies.

Rhino-itall said...

and as crazy as that sounds we spend more total dollars on entitlements and welfare.

gary said...

Probably true if you include social security but then we all pay into that, don't we?