Sunday, January 01, 2012

With Reservations?

What does that even mean? You just agreed to indefinite detention of American citizens for being SUSPECTED of terrorism. Holder is hoping that doesn't include selling guns to Mexican warlords who then use those guns to terrorize citizens on both sides of the border.... but I digress.

Where does it say in the constitution that this is allowed? All of a sudden the anti- Gitmo people are ok with it as long as it's U.S. citizens? Where are the protests? Where's the pie in the face? I guess it's ok as long as it damages our country and strengthens our enemies.

With Reservations


gary said...

Almost as bad as Bush. Bush claimed the same power - and two of the Gitmo detainees were US citizens. Where was your outrage then? Obama should have vetoed this.

Donkeyhue said...
