Tuesday, March 01, 2011

You Lousy Koch-soakers!!!

I recently started reading Charles Koch's "The Science of Success" and while it's no "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" I can already see why liberals hate him...

He's really smart.


gary said...

He is a smart guy, no doubt about it. Did you know he donated $20 million to the ACLU to help defeat the Patriot Act?

Donkeyhue said...

Or to put it in perpective, they gave more to the ACLU than they have all Republican candidates combined, but don't tell the Kos kids, it will ruin their finger painting sign class.

See Gary, you think yours was a "gotcha" comment, but it only illistrates your narrow-minded hyper partisan hackery.

Do I like the ACLU? No. But that doesn't mean I think everything they do is evil (just most of it), nor do I expect people I agree with to be in agreement 100%.

I hate sound like a broken record but you really need to grow up.

anita said...

yeah, it takes a lot of brains to inherit a fortune. and the koch's pay off every congressperson, governor or other representative to "protect" their business interests. takes a lot of brains to do that.

i'm much more interested in the art and the science of becoming successful and remaining successful by one's own wits and brains, not by having everything handed to you on a silver palate.

yeah, i'm sure that you guys can learn a lot from him. not.

and besides, aren't you guys haters of science? you sure act like it.

Rhino-itall said...

haters of science? I got an A in 9th grade earth science!

Why would you say we hate science?

Donkeyhue said...

So it's ok for the govt to give you a leg up because you are a woman but not for Fred Koch to give to his sons? Your hypocritical bitterness knows no bounds.

And if you knew anything about the family or their business besides blind hatred, you would know that you don't know shit and Koch Industries is a great American success story. You'd be well served to read it.