Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What's Your Definition of Expert?

Well if you're the IPCC apparently EXPERT means you will write what you're told to write. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose reports have motivated governmental action to cut carbon emissions, relied on an uncredentialed student named Sari Kovats for writing and supervising its supposedly authoritative reports. Donna Laframboise of NOconsensus.org brings us the shocking news. LINK


Donkeyhue said...

The IPCC is a crock of shit and this is just another example. That they refused to consider the sun until their 4th report shows just how unserious they are.

gary said...

Well since sunspots or solar cycles are clearly NOT the cause of global warming, according to all the evidence perhaps it wasn't their priority. The science is settled on global warming and only wingnuts and Exxon-paid hacks think otherwise.

Rhino-itall said...

So Gary no comment on the post? Just another name calling attack from you?

That's ok. We already know.


Donkeyhue said...

Youre really trying to argue that the sun has no effect on the earths temperature? Moron.

Rhino-itall said...

apparently google doesn't have a rebuttal for the fact that the sun actually lights and heats the earth.

Go figure.....

gary said...

Yes, that's it -- my point is that the Sun does not give off heat. Moron. I think the world's climate scientists are aware also that the sun is hot. What the sun is not is the cause of recent global warming.

As for Sari Kovats I suspect she was a very bright young woman with writing skills who wrote stuff for the IPCC, summarizing the work of other scientists. And here's a list of her scientific publications:


Rhino-itall said...

Is that what u suspect? That's great except the FACTS get in the way of your suspicions. She was a team member on the first report who had NO ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE and even less life experience.

I suspect that you know you're full of shit but then again I KNOW that you're not very intelligent so maybe you believe your own bullshit.

Either way I don't care. The emporer has no clothes

gary said...

Oh, well she was a "team member". Her list of publications suggest some qualification. Donna Laframboise, on the other hand, from what I can tell has a degree in "woman's studies."

gary said...

Oh, by the way I suspect you DON'T know that you're full of shit.

Rhino-itall said...

Make up your mind gary. Was she actually just writing up stuff for everyone else or was she qualified to be a team member?

After you decide which way you want to go on that get the list of her scientific PEER REVIEWED publications BEFORE the first IPCC report was done.

When your search fails because you know there aren't any you can apologize and then thank me.

gary said...

Well, everyone who worked for the IPCC was an IPCC team member. So? The report summarized the work of many scientists, apparently she was not one of them. Another non-story.

Rhino-itall said...

Once again you failed to read the story and decided only to look up the author and try to discredit her.

That's fine. It's what I expect from you.