Friday, March 11, 2011

Thought Police?

So now the federal government is going to try to regulate the behavior of children on the playground?

Will we have government agents to handle this? What would be the penalty for a 12 year old calling his or her classmate a faggot? Would they have to go to reeducation camp? What if they just said the other kid was ugly? How would you enforce this? What about in the home? Can a kid call another kid ugly at a party in his home?

And what about the Brady Bunch solution to bullying? Keep bullying little Cindy Brady about her lisp and Peter Brady knocks you out.

White House seeks child-speech oversight


gary said...

Wow, it looks like a news story but it's so twisted to one side that it it takes several readings to figure out what the facts are.

Rhino-itall said...

Yes The Daily Caller is an op-ed type spot. Not a straight news site. If you want straight news go to Fox news. Fair and Balanced.

Now before you get all crazy please remember to stick to the point of the post. If you want to comment on something else please do so at your blog.

Thank you

Donkeyhue said...

Its good to see Gary finally admit thats hes too stupid to process dissenting opinion. I guess that explains why no what matter the issue is his reponse is almost always the same.

gary said...

It's only when the opinion is contrary to the facts that I have a problem with it. But then Rhino gets his "facts" from Fox News.

Getlive said...

Good one Gary. You sure know how to debate the facts.

gary said...

The opinion is that Obama is going to put thought police on the playgrounds of America. The fact is he's not. We're done.

anita said...

whether or not anything concrete is done or implemented (which is doubtful, in my opinion), i think this is an extremely important issue given the lethal turn that bullying has taken in recent years. by the president bringing attention to it may prevent a gay teenager from committing suicide. if this saves just one young life, it is a good thing.

Donkeyhue said...

What about the straight teenager that kills himself because he/she was harassed by a homosexual?

Is everything special interests to liberals or do you have any common decency/sense?

I know it makes you feel better about yourself, as if you are doing a good thing, but giving the govt more control over speech (even the bad stuff) is never a good thing. Its a bad thing.

gary said...

Ah yes, that's the big problem in our schools: homosexuals harrassing straight kids. And then of course there's the oppression of the rich by poor people.

anita said...

when the president of the united states takes it upon himself to address a serious and growing problem affecting our young people, he is allowed to speak his mind on behalf of the weakest members of our society. and i think that is A GOOD THING.

It's particularly about internet bullying on facebook, but even think about the story about the young gay guy at rutgers whose dorm room was rigged expose him in the cruelest ways -- he so thoroughly humiliated he went and jumped off the george washington bridge --- yeah, blame him, but young minds and emotions are fragile, extremely fragile. particularly when it comes to facing up to one's identity. in fact, the perpetrators of this horrible act were kicked out of school and were charged with criminal violations.

and this isn't just about gay teenagers, it's about the bullying of all young people gay or straight. i even remember in 7th and 8th grade a particularly sadistic teacher who brutally picked on the shortest boy in the class, calling him a "faggot" ... which he was not, but the way. the humiliation in that sweet kids face was so awful to watch. i had to cringe every time it happened. and then, of course, all the other kids had to join in on the "fun" rather than to report the teacher or befriend the kid. that kind of behavior has lasting ramifications on a kid. lasting. don't know if it's related, but at my 10-year high school reunion, it was revealed that this guy had committed suicide in college. directly related, i don't know. peripherally related, i wouldn't doubt it.

this isn't just a special interest thing. it's not going to "increase the size of government" or "add to the deficit" ... so why what would you guys even care. you want to make sure that you're kids have the right to bully? ahhh ... now i see.

and if these kids' parents did their job, and taught them to respect their fellow students no matter who they are or what they believe or whether they are fat or thin or can't play sports, then this wouldn't even be an issue.

to the "values voters" out there, here's MY advice ... teach your children the messages that jesus taught. yeah, jesus, that guy the "values voters" talk about all the time. teach your kids the sermon on the mount, tell your kids that jesus said 'let he whom is without sin cast the first stone.'

yeah. values voters. value this.

and hey, you guys blog on blogger, the most monitored blogging application on the planet. why don't you just quit your account. in protest.

samw said...

Kids can be mean. Its up to the parents and teachers to correct that behavior. I don't think its up to the government. If bullying has gotten worse then its time for the parents to look around and do something. I'm all for the president saying this is a problem and calling on the citizens to address it. Not everything is Obama's problem. He's our president not our Daddy.