Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spin Baby Spin

Don't tempt me, you're empty, so fill'er up!
Is I'm talkin coffee or cocoa, is you loco?
Cash or credit for unleaded at Sunoco


anita said...

they are "Obama's gas prices?" gas prices are massively in flux because international tensions.

and, as if they were so bad here. we're still paying significantly less than the other developed countries around the world. americans are spoiled crybabies.

you want to pay less? move to nigeria or vezuela. or, for that matter egypt or saudi arabia.

i know of several republicans who actually support a gas tax (like we have here in ny) to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and encourage mass transit.

talk about playing gotcha. gary and i can't do it. but you sure have it down pat.

so ya wanna play gotcha? ... what about cheney's private meetings with all the big energy providers? to me that is far, far worse.

Rhino-itall said...

Wait just one gosh darn minute Anita!

Are you trying to tell me that the price of oil isn't manipulated by the big oil companies and it's base on markets and other external factors???

That would mean that all of the hearings held by the democrat controlled congress a few short years ago were a complete farce and a waste of time and tax payer money just to try to embarrass and implicate a republican adminstration with ties to the energy industry.

Interesting....maybe you're on to something here. Why didn't I think of that?

anita said...

you're calling them obama's gas prices, not me.

Rhino-itall said...

No. If you read the article and you know what's going on you know that Obama is not being truthful.

He is trying to spin (hence the title of the post) the news around by claiming that he is not holding up the domestic production.

Put simply that is a lie.

He is catching heat because gas prices are going through the roof (due mostly to unrest in the middle east) and he is trying to deflect any blame. His lies won't work on an astute person like you but if the MSM continues to do his bidding then everyone else will continue to blame big oil and he'll be mostly off the hook. That's what he's betting on and so far it appears that the media is playing their part.

That is the point of the post and the article.

Donkeyhue said...

Joe Biden is obviously the real president and Obama is just his and all just a puppet of the evil nat gas cos invested in the Marcellus Shall.