Saturday, March 05, 2011

Illegal Immigration Is Not A Victimless Crime

"A long-awaited report on the deportation status of a Prince William illegal alien whose alcohol-related head-on collision killed a Richmond-based nun shows repeated instances of a failure to report his crimes to Homeland Security as well as a shift in emphasis by the Obama administration in dealing with illegal aliens.

Judicial Watch, a public disclosure group, said today that it has a received a copy of the report by the Department of Homeland Security that was kept secret after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had declared her office would thoroughly investigate the Prince William case and make it public." link


Rhino-itall said...

We will have to check with anita to see if any of these laws that this guy broke are "real" laws like Roe or just you know those other ones that may or may not be law depending on whether or not Obama agrees with them but I'm thinking if you're an illegal alien then that in and of itself is reason for deportation and if you're arrested for ANY crime and it is discovered that you are also here illegally you should be deported. But you know I didn't read "law for dummies" so we should probably wait for our resident expert to let us know for sure.

anita said...

hey, i'm all for deporting any and all illegal aliens who commit crimes and never letting them return, under any circumstance

the only dummy here is you, rhino.

Rhino-itall said...

So in other words you're all for deporting ALL illegal aliens since by definition they have all committed a crime by just entering our country.

Ok then we are in complete agreement

anita said...

yes, according to the law it unlawful to enter this country illegally.

anita said...

and i believe that people who hire illegal immigrants should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

if someone wants to work here, then they have to follow the steps that millions of others before them have followed in order to obtain citizenship (including my grandparents).

citizenship is to be earned, not given away for free.

Rhino-itall said...

Once again we are in complete agreement.

I don't see it happening but the employers should be hit hardest. Then we can repeal the minimum wage and put people back to work in this country.

gary said...

"Repeal the minimum wage and put people back to work in this country." At minimum wage. In tea-party America there would be no minimum wage, no time-and-a-half for overtime, no child labor laws, no environmental regulation, and above all no unions. In other words, Paradise (if you happen to be in the top 1%, which Rhino isn't of course).

anita said...

gary, the republicans realize they are not going to get away much longer with hiring mexicans either under the table or at below minimum wages. so what they are doing, by trying to crack the unions, is attempting to create a situation where americans will work for what they paid their illegals. however, it's not going to work. the governor of wisconsin now has a 60% DISapproval rating. people will begin to think twice now (i hope) before they vote people into office whose goal is to destroy the american middle class.

Donkeyhue said...

Good job Gary and Anita. Only bitter hatemongers such as yourselves could turn a thread where everyone was in agreement into a vitriolic shit slinging contest. You must be very proud.