Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I Hate To Say I Told You So.....

Oh no that's not me. I actually really enjoy it.

I said before the "investigation" into the climategate emails was a lot of B.S. It was very convenient that the people investigating the scandal were the same people involved in the scandal. The AGW religious fanatics didn't see anything suspicious about this because they have faith in their God ALGORE THE GREAT

Unfortunately for them the investigation isn't over.



Donkeyhue said...

In twenty years when we are debating the next eco-armaggedon, they will deny all of this. Global warming? WHA??? We never said that.


On a side, Tucker Carlson has put together a pretty good news site at The Daily Caller.

gary said...

Five investigations have shown us that ClimateGate was what it obviously was from the beginning: bullshit and that nothing in it discredits the science. But one scientist may have deleted some emails or lied about it. Oooh. I think your best argument against AGW at this point is that Al Gore is still fat.

Donkeyhue said...

So, in other words, you arent really paying attention to this story and have nothing to offer on the subject.