Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can I Haz My Own HBO Show Now?

Did you hear this, Obama finally heard what happened in Japan and he's demanding we invade "Tsunami". I mean he said, "these Tsunamians will not get away with it". Speaking of dumb twats....

See, I can be funny like Bill Maher too.


gary said...

Bill Maher's funny and you're not. Copying one of his jokes and changing it to Obama really isn't humor. And using the n-word in the way you did is just racist.

Donkeyhue said...

Thats a matter of opinion, and like most of yours... its wrong.

Donkeyhue said...

I reconsidered your comment and have altered the joke to better refrect Obama's pusillanimousity.

Now thats funny.

gary said...

Well still not funny but at least not racist -- and you really don't think calling Obama a nigger was racist?

Donkeyhue said...

So it's ok to call Sarah Palin a twat but not Obama a nigger?

Why is that? Libs only believe in free speech if it serves their interests.

I'm not a hateful person and I am not afraid of words, so although I thought Maher's joke was amateurish I repect his right to say it.

What gets me is the double standard and how liberals have so little regard for the First Amendment. Regarding nigger, how bad a word can it be if the POTUS has it on his iPod?

Thats the liberal pc crap I'm talking about. Jay Z can sign it but I can't say it? What if Jay Z mugged me? It wouldnt be hate crime, but if I were to mug him it would not only be a hate crime but a violation of Obama's and the DOJs bullying initiative.

Now stop being such a sensitive twat and get over yourself.

gary said...

I would defend your right to call Obama a nigger. But it shows you're racist.

Donkeyhue said...

What if the late Sen Byrd called him a nigger? Or Harry Reid said he was electable bcos he didn't speak in a negro dialect?, Biden bcuz he was a 'clean' African American? Or Bill Maher that Obama wasn't 'black enough'?

Or they racist?

But I am a racist because I say nigger in a bad joke mocking the hypocrisy of liberals.

Not once has The Aurora mentioned his skin color as a reason we disagree with him, but leading dems have over and over and yet I am the racist. Either you don't understand what it means or you just use it as a cheap crutch to attack opponents you are unable to debate on the issues.

You sir are a fraud and a nigger.

Rhino-itall said...

Probably second most offensive to Bidens comments (i don't count Byrd because he's KKK so it's expected) is Hillary.

And nobody ever mentions this but when she was on the campaign trail and was at that black church in Alabama or whatever and she broke out the fake black/southern accent!!!! How crazy was that? I was offended and I'm not even a member of that church.

Donkeyhue said...

I forgot about that disgusting condescending pandering and racist incident.

Sowell address this issue in his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals and the bigoted treatment of southern blacks by northern democrats.

Rhino-itall said...

I love Sowell but I never read that book. I've owned it for a long time and it's been in the rotation but keeps getting passed up. Truth is I don't think I can learn much from it because I'm pretty sensitive to that whole situation and have very heated "conversations" with friends about it on a regular basis.