Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Buchanan Nails It

"The anti-democratic methods President Obama's union allies are using in Wisconsin testify to the crucial character of the battle being fought.

Teachers have walked off in wildcat strikes, taking pupils with them. Doctors have issued lying affidavits saying the teachers were sick, a good example of ethical conduct for the school kids.

Thousands of demonstrators have daily invaded the Capitol, chanting, hooting, banging drums. Hundreds have camped out there and refused to leave so the Capitol building can be cleaned.

Is this democracy in action? Is this what 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green went out to see that Saturday morning in Tucson?

Picketers have carried placards with the face of Gov. Scott Walker in the cross hairs of a gun sight. He has been compared to Hitler, Mussolini, Mubarak. Democrats have fled the state to deny the elected Wisconsin Senate a quorum to vote.

Such tactics cannot be allowed to triumph in a republic.

Why is the left behaving with desperation? Because it senses what this battle is all about. Not just about pay, but about power." link


gary said...

Do I agree with every sign or every tactic? No, of course not. But I support the unions and you're right this is about power and an attempt to use power to bust unions. The Right seems to be running scared.

Rhino-itall said...

gary is delusional as usual....hey that rhymes.

As usual PJB is spot on. I have a co-worker in Green Bay, He tells me the vast majority of the people are behind the governor.

I know gary sees the republican governor and republican legislature who ran their campaigns promising to do EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING and got elected by wide majorities as them running scared but I'm pretty sure it's the Fleebaggers who are LITERALLY running away who are scared.

anita said...

"invaded" the Capitol ? last i heard the Capital and all public government buildings belong to the people.

i agree with gary. the republicans are running scared. there is huge buyer's remorse on the part of many republican voters.

former high level reagan staffers (stockman, bartlett) have come out to admit that 1) reaganomics didn't work; 2) reaganomics is not working now; and 3) the reaganomic concept of "starving the beast" has had and will continue to have dire effects on this nation.

and yes, this should be about power. giving the power back to "the people" where it was meant to reside, not in the hands of the corporate gazillionaires and their own "protectors" --- the government officials they payoff and the lobbyists they use to do that.

run scared boys. the times, they are a'changin' ....

Rhino-itall said...

Where is lily? We need someone from the left with some kind of integrity and brains. You two are embarrassing yourselves.

I understand why the two of you would be in favor of a more socialist government because you both have relied on or currently rely on the government to get by or get ahead but at least be honest about it. You want me and donkey and getlive and other producers in the tax base to pay your way. We know and we understand that there will always be those among us who are unable or unwilling to make it on their own and we will continue to help you but at least say thank you and stop complaining that I don't pay you enough.
How about a little bit of gratitude?

Donkeyhue said...

Are you both on the drug called Charlie Sheen???

The Democrats are literally fleeing their states to avoid votes, in the process shirking their civic duty and making a mockery of the democratic process and its the repubs that are running scared???

And furthermore Anita, maybe you should read an article or two about whats going on before you comment. This isnt about "corporate gazillionaires" these are public sector unions. I know its hard for your infantile and smaller female brain (its science) to process anything more than "rich/poor" "black/white" but the issues at hand are more complicated than the class warfare rhetoric you spew. Get a clue.

Hey that rhymed too.

Donkeyhue said...

And another thing. The sixties are over, Bob Dylan is now a corporate shill, you can stop quoting him.


gary said...

This is why the Right will lose: because its stupid.

anita said...

oh, so you contribute more to the tax base than i do? let me ask you a couple of questions.

do you own businesses? do you have employees? have you maintained a regular payroll for over 12 years? do you pay corporate taxes to state and local governments? do you pay employer's burden of FICA and social security, do you maintain business insurances? do you provide health insurance to employees?

if not, then you're just "working for the man." maybe you "produce" for your employers, maybe you get nice bonuses at the end of the year, to say you "contribute" more than i do to the tax base is ludicrous.

Donkeyhue said...

You forgot racist.

Rhino-itall said...

and nazi

Rhino-itall said...

anita i heard you get government subsidies for your business.

so without government handouts you wouldn't have a business.

I don't care either way and I hope you're very successful but if that is the case I would think you might want to say thank you to the Aurorans and the rest of the tax payers for paying your way.

anita said...

subsidies? sorry. you're wrong on that. i guess i have to repeat myself. again.

some projects i work on (in both the public and private sector) have goals that a certain percentage of the work be subcontracted to women and minority owned businesses. that is not a subsidy. and it's not a handout. it's a valid contract for work that needs to be performed.

i've paid my way and more.

you need to find a dictionary to find out what a subsidy is.

you guys hate that fact that i am as much, if not more, of a business person that you are. i've been a risk taker all my life. probably far more than you have been. and you hate it. so rather than accept it you have to taunt me and marginalize me.

you are two very small men. very small indeed. and i have no respect for you in the least

anita said...

and believe me, neither did lily. she patronized you, that's it.

such silly little animals you are.

Rhino-itall said...

very small? Well I can't speak for the Donkey but personally I've never had any complaints.

I mean isn't really about the motion in the ocean anyway?

Donkeyhue said...

Calling yourself a business "person" would be akin to a food stamps recipient calling themselves a farmer. That being said, I applaud any success you may have achieved. Unlike you, I don't begrudge others, but as Rhino pointed out, we'd rather you just said thanks.

anita said...

"I mean isn't really about the motion in the ocean anyway?"

No, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but that's an old wives tale that women tell men to make them feel "manly" and not hurt their fragile egos.

Size matters. And there is NO debating THAT.

anita said...

i never thought it would be possible for you to be any bigger of an a*hole. but you've outdone yourself today.

you're welcome.

Rhino-itall said...

Wives tale? That's unfortunate

Donkeyhue said...

So does that mean you don't want to meet for drinks?

Getlive said...

I think Anita is full of shit. I don't think she owns a business. Yea that's right, I'm pissed and I'm calling your bluff. And another thing, yea they fucking invaded the capitol. They are sleeping there! Public building that belongs to the people. Stop your bullshit.

Donkeyhue said...

In this one instance, she is not full of shit, and by all accounts she is rather successful with a good reputation.

We bring it up not as a personal attack, but that she has mentioned that as a "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" who has benefited directly from bigger govt mandating certain work be done by female owned business, we feel it shapes her misquided political ideology not in any sense of a greater good but as matter of self interest.

Needless to say, I oppose this way of thinking vehemently and believe in a meritcratic approach to business.

Getlive said...

Alright, my apologies.

anita said...

i'm all for meritocracy. it's the way things should be.

however, if life were a true meritocracy, george w. bush would never have gotten into yale or harvard business school, let alone become president of the united states.

and i'm not saying that that type of "affirmative action for rich white men" is a republican phenomenon --- look at the kennedys among other people. nor is it an entirely male phenomenon either.

of course, many, many people have pulled themselves up from the bootstraps and i applaud them. but in truth many more people who are truly wealthy and truly powerful were born into families that gave them a leg up.

so if the government has given me a small leg up, i'm not embarrassed of that. i've certainly worked very, very hard throughout the years. harder than most. i haven't had a vacation in 15 years and work most weekends and holidays.

and yeah, i'm not a huge success. nor am i moderate success. i struggle. but i work for every penny i make, i pay my taxes, i treat the people i work for with utmost respect whether they deserve it or not and when i finally move on to the next phase of my working life i will be able to hold my head high and know that i did the best i could with the resources i had available to me. for better or for worse.

anita said...

getlive, last i heard there was, here in the united states, a right to freedom of assembly. and public buildings are called public buildings because that's what they are PUBLIC BUILDINGS. and you know why most public buildings have historically been built of heavy, durable materials such as stone walls and floors and columns? not only as an homage to the architecture of the ancient greeks, to whom we owe the concept of democracy, but also because these materials are durable and can withstand PUBLIC USE over long periods of time.

public buildings are where THE PEOPLE go to speak and be heard. either on their own or through representatives.

to deny the people of the right to use buildings that were built with their hard-earned taxes, then THAT would be unconstitutional.

anita said...

oh, and one more thing, getlive.

you're a bonehead.

Getlive said...

Um, I'm pretty sure that's not what the Wisconsin Capitol building was built for. It wasn't built so people could assemble and trash the place. It's kinda like the degenerate protesters that show up at military funerals. Yea, you have a right to. But you also have a choice as to how. Quite frankly, these dirtbags in Wisconsin show their true colors by the way they act, as do you by supporting their actions. Thanks for giving me some more insight on who you really are.