Monday, March 21, 2011

Bubba's Bitch

Ive been pretty hard on President Obama for being a hypocrite for campaigning as the "anti-Bush" and then once in office continuing all major Bush policies of importance; Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan, rendition, executive privilege, tax cuts, etc. He's reading W's cliff notes, and rhetoric aside, his actions prove this to be true.

He does this for many reasons. He lacks principles, leadership skills, executive experience, and political courage. He's a present voting pussy.

But I have to give credit where it's due, he's finally coming into his own and no longer peeking over George's shoulders. In fact he's taking it a step further and has done something that President Bush never did.

He started a war without seeking and Congressional approval.

Wait, didnt Bill Clinton do that first?



Rhino-itall said...

What bothers me most about this believe it or not is not the actual action of starting the war without a resolution or a declaration or anything, but the fact that he split.

He sent troops into harms way, expended probably billions of dollars worth of munitions and equipment etc. and then took off to Brazil? No big speech to inform us of why... no press conference to let everyone know what the mission objective is... Nothing.

I don't remember it, but i would bet dollars to donuts that Clinton didn't start a war in Kosovo and then disappear. I don't think he started bombing Iraq and enforcing the "no fly zone" and then took off to have lunch with the queen of England.

And I KNOW that Reagan went on TV and explained to the American people that he bombed Ghaddafi's stronghold or palace or whatever for a reason and what that reason was and why he felt it was necessary etc. etc.

Reagan was a true leader. A man who didn't send AMERICAN troops into harms way because it might be popular or because the U.N. thought it was a good idea.

gary said...

Reagan was a twat. Just joking.

Donkeyhue said...

No you're not.

You hate Reagan, all libs do. You invoke him because you realize the weakness in your guy.

I can assure you in 30 years, no one will be trying to claim to be the next Obama.

He is weak, and he will be remembered so.

gary said...

I liked Reagan on a personal basis. I give him credit for negotiating with the Soviet Union, for having the sense to raise taxes when necessary, for amnesty for illegal aliens. I would criticize him for supporting death squads and dictators, for negotiating with terrorists (Iran-Contra) and for proving that deficits don't matter (well proving it to idiots anyway).