Monday, February 14, 2011

Where Is Obama?

Once again there is a popular uprising in Iran! Will Obama call for Ahmadinejad to step down and listen to the people like he did with Mubarak? Well he didn't the last time but I will remain hopeful and say that maybe he learned his lesson and he will decide to actually confront our enemies and not just our friends......

Dodging clouds of tear gas fired by police and pro-government militiamen, the protesters marched down a central boulevard and shouted slogans such as "Death to the dictator," "We are all together" and "Down with Taliban, in Cairo and Tehran"



Donkeyhue said...

I dont think a day goes by that Obama doesnt wish he wasnt president, and it shows.

Hillary was right about him, he was not ready.

gary said...

And this from a guy who thinks Sara Palin IS ready.

samw said...

Sarah Palin? What is the obsession with her?
I dont get it. She's not the first opininated woman in the world of American politics but she's evidently so important her name is dragged into EVERY political discussion. I challenge you to not use the P word in at least 3 discussions. She doesn't even hold an office. At this point she only provides commentary.

Rhino-itall said...

Sam they fear her.

They try to claim that she's just a crazy righwing lunatic but you don't see conservatives constantly bringing up Bernie Sanders the socialist from Vermont

anita said...

we FEAR her? the one who landed at the bottom of the CPAC straw poll?

she IS a crazy rightwing lunatic and is trying to make her way back into the good graces of the rest of the lunatic fringe by hiring speech writers who slip inflamatory language her speeches but she's too stupid to even read the speech beforehand to make sure it makes sense.

it's really kind of sad that your party has not one viable candidate that will be able to stand head to toe with our current president in the next election cycle.

and it's really kind of sad as well that your party has no viable solutions to the problems facing this country.

Rhino-itall said...

Sam are u seeing my point?

they fear her.

if they didnt they wouldnt keep talking about her. I dont blam them by the way. she's a fund raising machine, she's extremely popular with the base, and she has general popular appeal. who can compare to her on the left?

it used to be Obama but now he has a track record that he cant hide from so hes a one termer.

anita said...

your party has no one who has the popularity that he has to put up against him.

let's forget about the no-term sarah palin.

let's just say when the entire country votes, they won't vote for extremists ... and there are so many on your side now, we don't even need to bring up the P. word.

those of you on the fringe right have destroyed your own party. and your hopes of ever gaining the presidency for a long time. you have no one that will appeal to the broad swaths of middle america who are both educated and commonsensical.

you may be making big news now. but as far as presidential politics your nowhere.

Rhino-itall said...

Thanks anita.

But the question was why do you constantly bring up Palin when she's not even an elected official and doesn't do policy or anything?

If you believe she's an extremist and you don't fear her and you don't think she can be president and you don't take her seriously then what's the obsession?

Clearly you do fear her and what you don't realize because you live in your NYC echo chamber is that we are not the extremists. We are not on the fringe.

I speak to people all over the U.S. EVERY DAY. Regular people like SamW who lives in the midwest and Getlive who lives in the south and literally every other region of the country and they think you're the finge and the crazy one and I agree.

Obama won because McCain was too liberal and a lot of people stayed home.

Things are changing. get on board

Getlive said...

Rhino, I think Anita got you off point. Libs love to do that and I'm surprised you fell for it this time. The post is about Obama and Iran and you guys are talking about Palin....really???????